What are the best counter to the GEOs (2024)


31 posts Member

June 26, 2020 7:12PM

For me, the GEO team is the hardest to beat.
I am not able to get a win in GA against this team.

The only way I am able to beat them is with my Darth Revan team, but that's it. I have my PADME team on DEF most of the time.

Beside Darth Revan and Padme team, what is the best counter?

I do not have General Skywalker, Darth Traya, Talzin or any GL.
My full profile at https://swgoh.gg/p/452373878/

  • Damodamo

    1589 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 7:16PM


    There’s a crazy one with palp vader and a few others..

    At lower gear (sub11) jawas work wonders..

    Otherwise, your going to struggle without treya.

    Although I did beat a g10 set with jkr and have done similar with cls/Han/chewie just because..


  • Psycosaltine

    481 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 7:19PM


    Jkr also works well


  • Gionidous

    10 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 7:19PM


    The best GEO counters is Treya, I noticed yours is undergeared, I'd highly recommend investing in at least her leader Zeta and buffing up your Sion to be as tank as possible. I have mine at R5 each and the two alone can handle most GEO teams, sometimes I'll bring in Sith Empire Trooper - pre-taunter. Darth Treya's leader obliterates GEOs.

    For your roster, you could also use Vader, him and Thrawn can deal with most GEO teams depending on gear/relic levels.

    Grevious can also dispense of GEO teams fairly quickly.

    Best counters to strive for are:
    - Sith Triumvirate
    - Padme
    - JKR
    - DR
    - Grevious
    - Vader
    - FO - You'll need a strong Sith Trooper
    - JKL

  • Nikoms565

    14242 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 7:20PM


    Jawas can work vs. Non-relic Geos.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*


  • WookieWookie

    1460 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 7:21PM edited June 2020


    Really good reference for GAC counters HERE

    Screenshot of one of the many counter strategy breakdowns:

  • khdelboy

    754 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 7:23PM


    Sith Trio, JKR, DR, JTR, Empire with Darth Vader.

  • chionophile

    1097 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 7:45PM


    WookieWookie wrote: »

    Really good reference for GAC counters HERE

    Screenshot of one of the many counter strategy breakdowns:

    That Finn/VSC/VSH/Holdo/Poe counter is the best one I've ever seen/used. Granted, I have them all at R3-R5 because they're needed for Rey, but it's gotten me max banners multiple times in GAC/TW, and provides a use for otherwise limited use characters. Trium is always messy, and usually results in an ugly win at best, and a loss more than I'd like.

  • SparkyBurns

    520 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 8:07PM edited June 2020


    Traya is the most reliable. People mention Jawas but to be honest if you're at the point in the game where you're struggling to beat Geos, then investing in Jawas is likely not your best option so I wouldn't bother with that at all. Nest is another option that works fairly well once you get her to high level, but that's a longish farm and gear (so many stun guns).

    Finally Palpatine lead is also one that can hold it's own in the right situation, but I'll actually say that with the Vader rework a Vader lead could be a really, really good option. Not only because the new Merciless mechanic allows you to essentially take like 20 turns right off the bat, but also because of that mechanic you would be able to pull off several of his AoE that applies DoTs before a Geo might go, so there could potentially be 10+ DoTs on them before they can even move. Which could be absolutely devastating.

    I haven't tried it yet, but I can say the new Vader is absolutely legit so in my mind it seems like that's going to be a real easy counter


  • Ggdjqjchsabjdj

    780 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 8:26PM


    Sometimes I use a grievous nuke team. One shots them all. In GA I use Padmé/CLS. CLS wins about 70% of the time though. Padmé is a long battle, but you win.

    I have a bad feeling about this.

  • DaveShake93

    2 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 8:31PM


    No mentions to NS, Talzin lead? It seems to me there is some bug in Geos AI because they attack very very often Zombie even if she does not have Taunt. So it is sufficient to wait a bit and Asaji does the job.


  • Potato211

    473 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 8:38PM


    Padme with her Z.

  • TaTaKaS

    167 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 9:54PM


    I have a geo counter video on YouTube. I also made a post in the arena strategy section of the forum not too long ago.

    The team consists of Jyn lead, chirrut, k-2so, lando calrissian and wat tambor. You only need gear on k2so and lando to take down any geo team on auto once you give out the taunting tech on k2so and weapons tech to Lando. Now that we need Lando for Luke it is even better.

    I break down the team and how it works in my video.


  • RoBane1738

    267 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 10:20PM


    Why no one say Enfy Nest yet?

    If it’s high geared Geo, throw in K’ira (sc) lead. Have Nest modded for high tenacity...hit “auto” and come back in 5 minutes for a victory

  • Ltswb1

    550 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 10:26PM


    RoBane1738 wrote: »

    Why no one say Enfy Nest yet?

    If it’s high geared Geo, throw in K’ira (sc) lead. Have Nest modded for high tenacity...hit “auto” and come back in 5 minutes for a victory

    Because Spy usually deletes Nest in one shot or the battle times out.

  • Deell

    106 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 10:29PM


    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Jawas can work vs. Non-relic Geos.

    How geared up and well modded do the Jawas need to be?

  • chionophile

    1097 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 10:30PM


    RoBane1738 wrote: »

    Why no one say Enfy Nest yet?

    If it’s high geared Geo, throw in K’ira (sc) lead. Have Nest modded for high tenacity...hit “auto” and come back in 5 minutes for a victory

    Sounds good until you get unlucky and Nest goes right before Spy, who one-shots her.

    TaTaKaS wrote: »

    I have a geo counter video on YouTube. I also made a post in the arena strategy section of the forum not too long ago.

    The team consists of Jyn lead, chirrut, k-2so, lando calrissian and wat tambor. You only need gear on k2so and lando to take down any geo team on auto once you give out the taunting tech on k2so and weapons tech to Lando. Now that we need Lando for Luke it is even better.

    I break down the team and how it works in my video.

    This seems like a waste of Wat, but even without watching the video, sounds effective. A sturdy tank with Wat's tech and a toon with a powerful AoE (like Lando) is a generic Geo counter (I timed out against an OR/Wat team with Geos once, when Wat was first released. The only reason I didn't actively lose was because they didn't have the AoE power to kill the bugs. I couldn't get around Z with the tank tech).

  • khdelboy

    754 posts Member

    June 26, 2020 10:38PM edited June 2020


    SparkyBurns wrote: »

    Traya is the most reliable. People mention Jawas but to be honest if you're at the point in the game where you're struggling to beat Geos, then investing in Jawas is likely not your best option so I wouldn't bother with that at all. Nest is another option that works fairly well once you get her to high level, but that's a longish farm and gear (so many stun guns).

    Finally Palpatine lead is also one that can hold it's own in the right situation, but I'll actually say that with the Vader rework a Vader lead could be a really, really good option. Not only because the new Merciless mechanic allows you to essentially take like 20 turns right off the bat, but also because of that mechanic you would be able to pull off several of his AoE that applies DoTs before a Geo might go, so there could potentially be 10+ DoTs on them before they can even move. Which could be absolutely devastating.

    I haven't tried it yet, but I can say the new Vader is absolutely legit so in my mind it seems like that's going to be a real easy counter

    I managed to take down the Geos with R7 Palpatine, R4 Thrawn, XII Vader, and XI Tarkin & Veers. I can safety say that Vader’s MM is glorious as you have 6 Geos, which mean you can unleash Vader’s AOE twice, plus Thrawn fracturing the additional Geo summoned by GBA, and you can cherry pick which one to blade cull with. Tarkin and Veers can unleash their debuff AOEs, giving Vader an extra oomph in his blade cull.

    This is against a R4 GBA, with the others at XII.

  • Winterwolves

    1756 posts Member

    June 27, 2020 12:12AM


    For jawas you need survivability. The AI seems to target the easiest to kill enemy first, so your scavenger needs to be the toughest so they leave them till last. I find g9 jawas with a a g11 scavenger can reliably beat g12 geos, with a chance of there are one or 2 relic 4 geos in there. Got to mod all jawas for max health/ protection though.

    Nightsisters with a paper zombie (g11 is the new paper) is solid. I only have asajj reliced, but can beat all r7 geos reliably.

  • Mephisto_style

    5724 posts Member

    June 27, 2020 1:15AM


    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Jawas can work vs. Non-relic Geos.


  • NicWester

    8928 posts Member

    June 27, 2020 5:01PM


    Mephisto_style wrote: »

    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Jawas can work vs. Non-relic Geos.


    Beautiful. My jawas are about the same gear level and have no trouble against geonosians unless their Brood Alpha is r4 or above (then the counterattack from Brute becomes too strong). I usually lose at least 3 jawas because I make my Scavenger fast. I find the stealth he gets from his basic is more reliable than having him slow and letting bombs build up and using his special first.

    It's even better and more reliable in 3v3. I've never lost a 3v3 battle with jawas against geonosians.

    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.

  • Gabe9876543210

    279 posts Member

    June 27, 2020 7:43PM


    That would be an unusual subset of players that have Wat Tambor and not Darth Traya.

    Get Darth Traya and her companions.

  • jonnysiniwal

    675 posts Member

    June 28, 2020 12:11AM edited June 2020


    RoBane1738 wrote: »

    Why no one say Enfy Nest yet?

    If it’s high geared Geo, throw in K’ira (sc) lead. Have Nest modded for high tenacity...hit “auto” and come back in 5 minutes for a victory

    Because it doesn't work

    Also, burning wat on geos is a waste.

  • Nikoms565

    14242 posts Member

    June 28, 2020 1:29AM


    NicWester wrote: »

    Mephisto_style wrote: »

    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Jawas can work vs. Non-relic Geos.


    Beautiful. My jawas are about the same gear level and have no trouble against geonosians unless their Brood Alpha is r4 or above (then the counterattack from Brute becomes too strong). I usually lose at least 3 jawas because I make my Scavenger fast. I find the stealth he gets from his basic is more reliable than having him slow and letting bombs build up and using his special first.

    It's even better and more reliable in 3v3. I've never lost a 3v3 battle with jawas against geonosians.

    Interesting. Never tried it on 3v3. Nebit, Scav and Engineer then?

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*

  • NicWester

    8928 posts Member

    June 28, 2020 1:43PM


    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    NicWester wrote: »

    Mephisto_style wrote: »

    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Jawas can work vs. Non-relic Geos.


    Beautiful. My jawas are about the same gear level and have no trouble against geonosians unless their Brood Alpha is r4 or above (then the counterattack from Brute becomes too strong). I usually lose at least 3 jawas because I make my Scavenger fast. I find the stealth he gets from his basic is more reliable than having him slow and letting bombs build up and using his special first.

    It's even better and more reliable in 3v3. I've never lost a 3v3 battle with jawas against geonosians.

    Interesting. Never tried it on 3v3. Nebit, Scav and Engineer then?

    Yeah, exactly. Nebbit needs as much hp and protection as possible because you won't be putting huge stacks of bombs on folks. But it still works great!

    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.

  • Mephisto_style

    5724 posts Member

    June 28, 2020 3:07PM


    NicWester wrote: »

    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    NicWester wrote: »

    Mephisto_style wrote: »

    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Jawas can work vs. Non-relic Geos.


    Beautiful. My jawas are about the same gear level and have no trouble against geonosians unless their Brood Alpha is r4 or above (then the counterattack from Brute becomes too strong). I usually lose at least 3 jawas because I make my Scavenger fast. I find the stealth he gets from his basic is more reliable than having him slow and letting bombs build up and using his special first.

    It's even better and more reliable in 3v3. I've never lost a 3v3 battle with jawas against geonosians.

    Interesting. Never tried it on 3v3. Nebit, Scav and Engineer then?

    Yeah, exactly. Nebbit needs as much hp and protection as possible because you won't be putting huge stacks of bombs on folks. But it still works great!

    Oh yeah. I usually don't lose a Jawa in 3s against Geos. Also, I put defense stat at highest priority on my Jawa modding. Remember, Geos hit like noodles except for Spy. So 40-50% defense goes a long way. Oh, I also use CA arrows on all of them.
    JE 190-210 speed
    Nebit 180-210
    Rest between 160-170 and they will likely be faster than the Geos.
    Don't neglect potency on Jawa and Dathcha. Their debuffs are useful.
    Dropping Dathcha for a fast (faster than Jawa Scav and Dathcha) beefy HK47 for Tenacity Down helps against Tenacity Up teams like Rex and Bastilla. I don't have Revans so I do that a lot.

  • Gifafi

    6017 posts Member

    June 28, 2020 3:43PM


    jawas are ok for lower-level geos, but that's also bc most people had jawas farmed and at least slightly leveled from way back. I def wouldn't farm/gear jawas to counter geos if you don't have them already. Shak clones at low levels wreck geos, Traya/sion are the best counter but traya is obv harder to get. zFinn res also work well vs geos. glgl

    Maybe End Game isn't for you

  • TVF

    36721 posts Member

    June 28, 2020 3:49PM


    I would love to draw GAC opponents that wasted top GP on Jawas.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH


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What are the best counter to the GEOs (2024)


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