Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (2024)

The worst feeling while traveling is rummaging through your bag only to realize you forgot something. It’s worse when the item you forgot is important! Like forgetting an important medication, piece of clothing, or, worst of all, an important document. While planning for a vacation is exciting, packing can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Especially when you leave packing to the last minute, trying to remember everything you need gets stressful. Luckily, I’ve packed for dozens of trips and know the essentials you’ll need for any trip you go on. Here is the ultimate vacation packing list I use for all my trips, and how you can use it for any vacation or trip!

Table of Contents

Why You Need a Vacation Packing List

Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (1)

Here are five reasons why you need a vacation packing list:

  1. Efficiency and Organization
  2. Avoid Overpacking
  3. Customization
  4. Smoother Security Checks
  5. Peace of Mind

Efficiency and Organization

The human brain can only hold so much information at once, this study says that it can really only hold up to four items at once! And there are definitely more than four things you’ll need on vacation or on a trip. That’s why a packing list is necessary when packing. It helps organize all the things you want to bring and keeps track of what you have and have not packed in your bag. A packing list helps minimize the chances of you forgetting something, which is the most important.

Avoid Overpacking

The one thing I hate more than forgetting something is packing something on vacation and not using it. What a waste of space! Not only does overpacking weigh you down literally and figuratively, but it causes more inconveniences like overweight bags and slower travel. There’s no reason to carry more than you need, but it’s hard to not overpack especially if you don’t travel often. By following a packing list, it will help you pack only the essentials and leave the unnecessary items at home.


Every trip is different. Different destinations come with their own set of requirements and challenges. You might encounter different international airline regulations, weather conditions, and cultural norms which affects what you pack. You’ll also tailor packing to specific experiences you anticipate, whether it’s swimming in Vietnam, trekking in New Zealand, or exploring the urban landscapes of Europe. You can customize a basic vacation packing list to your trip and it will help keep you organized and prepared.

Smoother Security Checks

Navigating airport security is smoother when you’re prepared. A packing list that considers TSA guidelines can expedite this process. By knowing what’s in your bag and packing strategically, you can easily access and display items for inspection, reducing stress and saving time during security checks. For example, having your travel sized liquids and electronics in your carry on where they are accessible.

Peace of Mind

Finally, a packing list gives you peace of mind. You’ll have a clear game plan on what to pack and decrease your chances of straying from your list. It gives you a sense of control over your time and helps your brain keep on track. No more “Did I pack this? Did I pack that?” or “Did I forget something?” when you can easily crosscheck items on a list. And when you’re done, it’s the most satisfying feeling.

But first…

Choose Your Luggage Wisely

Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (2)

The first step in your packing process is selecting the right type of luggage. Suitcases, backpacks, and duffel bags each have their advantages, depending on your mode of travel, destination, and personal comfort. Also, will you have a checked bag or are you just using a carry on? What items do you want on hand vs. items that you won’t need until later? Consider factors such as weight restrictions on flights, the terrain of your destination, and the mobility of your luggage. A versatile piece of luggage that’s durable, lightweight, and compliant with airline regulations sets you up for a hassle-free travel experience.

Travel Essentials

No matter what trip you take or where you go, the essential items you use stay the same. They may change slightly here and there, but they’re essentials for a reason. Essentials may look different for different people, but what’s most important is that they are essential to you. However, here are some essential packing items I think everyone uses:

  • Clothing: Undergarments, socks, tops, and bottoms. Make sure to pack a versatile range that can be layered and put together to form different outfits. adapted to different settings.
  • Shoes: Comfortable walking shoes are a must for any trip! Many people (including myself) wear a pair and pack a pair, which can be casual like sandals or formal for nights out.
  • Toiletries: Essentials include toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen, soap, sanitary pads, and skincare.
  • Important Documents: Passport, travel visas (if required), ID, and accommodation details. Having digital and physical copies of these documents stored securely can be a lifesaver.
  • Electronics: Chargers, charger cords, headphones, earbuds, laptops, ipads, game devices, etc. While you can buy replacement chargers or cords, it’s inconvenient and sometimes cost a fortune. (Why is a Macbook Pro charger so damn expensive…
  • Money: Always make sure to pack your wallet, which can include credit and debit cards, cash, and important information like a health insurance or car insurance card.
  • Medications: Any prescription medicines you require, along with a basic first aid kit. Remember to keep medications in their original packaging to avoid issues at customs.

Vacation Packing List: The Essentials

Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (3)

Here are the travel essentials in a list:

  • Clothing:
    • [ ] Tops
    • [ ] Bottoms
    • [ ] Underwear
    • [ ] Outerwear
    • [ ] Socks
    • [ ] Bras (if applicable)
    • [ ] Pajamas
  • Shoes:
    • [ ] Walking Shoes
    • [ ] Sandals / Formal shoes
  • Toiletries:
    • [ ] Toothbrush
    • [ ] Toothpaste
    • [ ] Floss
    • [ ] Skincare (cleanser, moisturizer)
    • [ ] Sunscreen
    • [ ] Deodorant
    • [ ] Shampoo + conditioner
    • [ ] Sanitary pads (if applicable)
  • Documents:
    • [ ] Passport
    • [ ] License / Photo ID
    • [ ] Visas (if applicable)
    • [ ] Copies of each
  • Money:
    • [ ] Credit + debit card
    • [ ] Cash
    • [ ] Insurance cards
  • Electronics:
    • [ ] Phone charger (cord + outlet)
    • [ ] Laptop charger
    • [ ] International charger adapter
    • [ ] Portable charger + charging cord
    • [ ] Toothbrush charger (if appllicable)
    • [ ] Headphone charger (if applicable)
    • [ ] Tracking devices
  • Medications:
    • [ ] Basic first aid supplies (bandaids, alcohol wipes, etc.)
    • [ ] Allergy medication
    • [ ] Stomach + Pain relievers
    • [ ] Prescriptions…
  • Miscellaneous:
    • [ ] Eyemask
    • [ ] Umbrella (if applicable)
    • [ ] Sunglasses + hat
    • [ ] Reusable bags
    • [ ] Razor + Nail clipper (for long trips)

Want an example packing list? Here’s my vacation packing list for a two week solo travel trip to Italy. I didn’t add any number to the items her because the numbers change depending on your trip.

But now that you have the essentials packing list, it’s time to customize it to your vacation! This will be the only checklist you’ll ever need, because you’ll always edit it to your next trip.

In the next sections, I’ll share some tips on how to edit this essentials packing list to your trip.


This is probably the most difficult part of packing for most people. What outfits to bring, what clothes to wear, and how many clothes to bring are often the most difficult questions to answer. Especially if you have lots of clothes, it’s not easy to narrow down what seems like endless options. Luckily, it’s easy to narrow down the options with a set of questions. Before you edit your list, ask yourself these questions:

  • How long will I be on vacation?
  • What’s the weather like where I’m going?
  • Do I need to dress modestly?
  • How much space do I have in my luggage?

These questions will help paint a better picture of what type and how much clothing to bring. The longer you are on a trip, the more you’ll have to pack (but not too much). But I’m a firm believer in doing laundry on the go, which you can read about in my how to pack a carry on blog here.

The type of clothing you pack is important as well. If you’re going somewhere cold, chances are your clothing will be a lot thicker than if you were packing clothes for a summer getaway. You’ll take up space faster, so you’ll have to be strategic in what you bring.


Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (4)

I could’ve combined this with clothing, but shoes deserves its own section. A lot of travelers swear by the “3 pairs of shoes” rule, where you pack two pairs of comfortable shoes and one nicer pair for nights out. Some, including myself, just pack two pairs, one comfortable pair and one nicer pair. But this depends entirely on where you’re going.

For example, if you’re going to a tropical destination, chances are you’ll need a pair of flip flops vs. dressy high heels. Hiking on your trip? Swap out the dressy shoes for a pair of hiking shoes.

The nice thing about shoes is that you usually have a go-to pair of walking shoes already, so the decision is easy compared to planning outfits. Although, you also want your shoes to match your clothes as well.


The most important thing about toiletries is, if you are only using a carry on, that all your toiletries are travel-sized or TSA limitation friendly. Too many times have I seen or heard about other traveler’s heartbreak when TSA agents throw out their favorite beauty product or expensive toiletry. If you have a checked bag, make sure all your toiletries go in there so you don’t get caught unsuspectedly!

You can use refillable travel sized containers for your favorite shampoo and conditioner so you don’t have to keep buying new ones every time. Solid soap bars are also a hack to get around the liquid limitations, too.

Tip: For those who use deodorant, make sure to pack some with you because it’s not accessible in some countries! For example, deodorant is really hard to find in a lot of Asian countries because a majority of the population doesn’t need it. Some beauty products are also not available in some places, so better pack it than having to search high and low for a new one.

Items like hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and tissues are especially handy for on-the-go hygiene, particularly in destinations where public restrooms may lack soap or toilet paper.


Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (5)

Are you working on your trip? If so, then bringing your laptop is a must. Wanting to disconnect? Your phone is all you need! Love listening to music? Bring your headphones. This part of the packing list depends on what electronics you think are essential to your travel experience.

But regardless of what you bring, always remember to pack the charger with you. I, once, was almost at the airport when I realized I forgot to pack my laptop charger and scrambled back home to grab it. A new laptop charger is way too expensive to repurchase!

Tip: If you use en electronic toothbrush (like me), then don’t forget to pack its charger, too! One time I forgot it on a month-long trip, and once my toothbrush ran out of power I had to use it like a normal toothbrush.

And ALWAYS check if you need a travel adapter where you’re going.

Important Documents

The no-brainers are your passport and photo ID. But some unique ones include vaccination forms, bank account information, and visas. If you’re going somewhere that requires a specific vaccination, make sure to pack that with you. Otherwise, you will be turned away at border security. Countries do not play when it comes to health security!

Tip: Print out or save digital copies of your flight tickets, hotel reservations, car rental bookings, and any tour confirmations. In case an email gets lost or your phone runs out of battery while you’re out, you’ll have the information accessible in some way. Also, check to see if your passport is almost expired. Many people don’t realize but your passport needs to be at least 3-6 months away from expiration in order to travel with it. Don’t risk it!


Check to see if the place you’re going is a cash-based society! For example, Japan is a cash-based society. Most places take cash, and only big retailers take credit card. Meaning that you’ll have to pack some cash to exchange. Sometimes you can withdraw from an international ATM, but it’s good to bring cash just in case.

Tip: Leave the debit card at home. It’s way too risky if it ends up in someone else’s hands because all the money they spend is gone forever. At least with credit cards, there is some security built into the card so that you can dispute charges. But once you use debit card funds, it’s gone for good. Also check the foreign transaction fees for your cards and consider using one that doesn’t charge these fees.


This part of the packing list differs widely for people. I personally do not have any prescriptions I need to take with me, but if you regularly take medicine, be sure to pack it along with you! This can look many different ways, from needles to pills to patches.

Tip: Be aware of different laws regarding medication. Some countries have strict rules about bringing certain substances across borders, even if they’re over-the-counter or prescription medications in your home country. For example, Adderall is common in the United States but illegal in other countries.

I always make and pack my own health kit, which is part of my packing essentials. This includes stomach medicine like Pepto Bismol tablets because you never know when new food may wreck your stomach. It’s been a lifesaver for many trips of mine.

Are you going somewhere tropical or warm? Consider packing insect repellent. Going somewhere with higher elevation? Pack altitude sickness medication. Afraid your immune system will weaken after traveling? Pack some immune booster supplements.

Miscellaneous: For Comfort

Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (6)

This is what I call “nice to haves” that you might not use every day on vacation, but are damn useful when you do need them. Now, some are essential depending on what the weather is like where you’re going. If you’re going somewhere warm, sunglasses are a must, and maybe an umbrella if you want to make your own shade.

Water bottles are also nice to have if you drink a lot of water. Some places do not give out bags when you go shopping, so reusable bags are nice to have as well. An eye mask is great to have on airplanes (for sleeping) and even in some accommodations. A hat is also nice to have in case it gets sunny (or you have a bad hair day).

Tip: If you’re going somewhere for more than 2 weeks, definitely bring a nail cutter. Long nails get annoying and even more so when you don’t have a way to cut them. Also, a razor. There’s nothing like shaving off hair when it gets a little too long for comfort.

And, honestly, a pen is really useful to have.

What to Pack Where

Now that you have your customized packing list, we need to decide what to pack where. This is actually a really important part of packing, as some items you’ll need access to on your flight or drive.

If you’re checking a bag: Put all the bulky items that you won’t need until you get to your accommodation. Place non-travel sized toiletries in here along with clothes and shoes. Do not place your laptop in here, or any electronic powered by a lithium ion battery. Why? Because the pressure in the hold cabin causes the lithium ion battery to literally explore. Don’t do it.

In your carry on bag: If you only have a carry on, place everything mentioned above in here. You can put your laptop in a carry on bag, as it will stay on board and not under the plane. Put anything that you don’t need on the flight or car ride in here. Not sure how to pack your carry on efficiently? Here’s the best way to pack a carry on bag, by me!

In your personal bag: Pack all the items you regularly reach for in your personal bag. This includes snacks, electronics, documents, money, accessories, etc. Anything that you need access to should also go here, like items that make your journey more comfortable or important medicine. Especially medicine.

Packing Anecdote:

I was on a flight from Mexico City flying to Tijuana when suddenly a passenger started panicking about her son’s health. She begged the cabin crew to get her luggage that was in the airplane cargo hold to grab his medicine, but the crew physically couldn’t. Her son’s condition got worse and as a result, we had to emergency land in the middle of Mexico. So keep everything you need on you in cabin and not in your checked luggage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should I pack for a 7 day vacation?

A: For a 7 day vacation, pack 2-3 outfits with clothing that can be worn interchangeably with each other, 7 pairs of undergarments, 5-7 pairs of socks, a comfortable shoe, a flip flop or dressy shoe, outerwear for the weather, and all the electronics, health, toiletries, travel documents, money, and more you’ll need on your trip.

Q: What should I pack for a 10 day vacation?

A: For a 10 day vacation, pack 3-4 outfits with clothing you can wear interchangeably with each other, 7-10 pairs of undergarments, 5-8 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of shoes, outerwear, and the essential electronics, travel documents, toiletries, health, money, and miscellaneous items for your trip. See this example vacation packing list I made for my two week solo trip to Italy.

Q: What is the 5-4-3-2-1 packing method?

A: The 5-4-3-2-1 packing method is a simple and effective strategy for packing clothing. It goes: 5 tops, 4 bottoms, 3 dresses/sets, 2 layers, and 1 accessory. But I’ve also seen the items get switched around and replaced. Some say its 5 sets of undergarments and socks, 4 tops, 3 bottoms, 2 pairs of shoes, and 1 hat. There are a handful of variations, but never the same. The idea is that there is a structure to how many items, pairs, and sets you bring with you.

Final Checklist: Your Comprehensive Vacation Packing List

Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (7)

Now, after going through this guide, you have the blueprint to a comprehensive, customized packing list that you can use again and again for all your trips. I know it’s easier to just have a generic packing list and hack away at, but I know that you have to make your own for it to truly be the best. Is it a bit of work? Yes, but once you understand how to craft your personal packing list, it becomes ten times easier. And, your next trips will have better and better packing! It’s so satisfying knowing that you packed everything you need and not overpack. Hopefully, you next time packing is a little easier with vacation packing list. Happy travels, and happy packing!

Ultimate Vacation Packing List: The Only Checklist You’ll Ever Need (2024)


What is the 5-4-3-2-1 packing method? ›

Its version of the 5-4-3-2-1 method includes "five tops, four bottoms, three accessories, two shoes (a practical pair and a nice pair), and one swimsuit," though like the Times this formula allows the wiggle room to swap out accessories based on your destination and type of travel.

What is that one thing that you will never forget to pack on a trip? ›

Don't forget the first aid kit

We're not asking you to prepare for ER, just a small bag with the most necessary pills and medicine you might need. After all, nobody wants to suffer a punishing headache, high-climate fever, upset stomach or all three during a holiday.

What to pack for a 5 day trip checklist? ›

What to pack for a 5-day trip checklist? (Things to put )
  • Clothes that you can use for Five Days. ...
  • Comfortable shoes that you can wear the Whole Day. ...
  • Disposal shower cap to keep your Bag Clean. ...
  • Comfy nightwear for your Trip. ...
  • Slippers for your Extra Comfort that you want to Have.

What to pack for a 10 day trip list? ›

How many clothes are required for a 10-day trip? Follow the 5-4-3-2-1 packing trick, where you pack five tops, four bottoms, three dresses, three pairs of shoes, two swimsuits, two bags, and one of each of a few miscellaneous accessories.

What is the 333 packing rule? ›

The concept of this packing rule is that you choose three tops, three bottoms, and three pairs of shoes to create more than a dozen outfit looks that fit easily into your carry-on.

What is the 12345 rule for packing? ›

Consider the 1-2-3-4-5-6 Rule

One general guideline is to pack one hat, two pairs of shoes, three bottoms, four tops (short or long-sleeve or outer layer), five pairs of socks, six pairs of underwear. This should be enough to last you for two weeks.

What is the most commonly forgotten item for travelers? ›

The five most common forgotten road trip items include:
  • Toothbrush or toothpaste.
  • Cell phone charger.
  • Hair related products (brushes, razors, product)
  • Underwear or socks.
  • Other articles of clothing.

What should you not pack for international travel? ›

  • Excessive Valuables: Leave expensive jewelry and unnecessary valuables at home.
  • Unnecessary Gadgets: Think twice before packing items you rarely use.
  • Too Many Clothes: Overpacking can make your luggage heavy, make travel difficult and limit space for souvenirs.
Oct 17, 2023

What is a common item people forget to take with them when leaving the house? ›

Bathroom items

Toothbrushes, razors, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, floss, toiletries, soap, etc.

What do you need for a 7 day trip? ›

Essential items include:
  1. A lightweight backpack or crossbody bag for security.
  2. Portable phone charger to keep your device powered.
  3. Digital or print map of the city.
  4. Water bottle and snacks.
  5. Comfortable shoes for walking.
  6. Lightweight jacket or sweater for cooler indoor temperatures.
  7. Travel umbrella for unexpected showers.
May 8, 2019

What do you need for a 5 day vacation? ›

For a 5 day vacation, you will want to bring 2-3 pairs of shorts or pants, 3-4 tops, a light jacket (or a heavy jacket, depending on where you are traveling), and 1 formal outfit if you are planning on attending a nice restaurant or event. If you are going to the beach, pack 2-3 swimsuits/trunks.

What to pack for a 4 night trip? ›

What To Pack For A 4 Day City Break: 8 Tips
  • Documents. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is those all-important documents, like your ID, cash, driving license, student card etc. ...
  • Clothes. ...
  • Toiletries. ...
  • Cosmetics. ...
  • Technology. ...
  • Travel Essentials. ...
  • First-Aid. ...
  • Accessories.
Sep 23, 2020

What have I forgotten to pack? ›

18 Most Forgotten Holiday Essentials When Packing
  • Padlock. You never know when you might need one – for your backpack on a crowded bus or street, for your suitcase, for leaving luggage in a locker etc.
  • Extra memory card. ...
  • Prescriptions/Medication. ...
  • Brush/Comb. ...
  • Toothbrush. ...
  • Travel Adapter. ...
  • Cash. ...
  • International SIM card.

What should I pack on my vacation? ›

Here's what we recommend packing in your checked luggage:
  • Clothing essentials (remember the 5-4-3-2-1 rule) 5 tops. ...
  • Additional clothing pieces. Sleepwear. ...
  • Toiletries. Sunscreen. ...
  • Sewing kit.
  • First aid kit (include bandages, disinfectant, insect repellent, etc.)
  • Hairbrush and styling tools.
  • Plug adaptor(s)
  • Laundry bag.
Sep 14, 2023

How to pack light for a 3 week trip? ›

For shorter trips, we're big fans of the 1-2-3-4-5-6 Rule for packing: 1 hat, 2 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of pants or skirts, 4 shirts, 5 pairs of socks and 6 sets of underwear. It works for long trips, too, as long as you can do laundry once a week.

What is the 5 4 3 2 1 travel rule? ›

Do the clothing countdown: If you need a mantra to help streamline your wardrobe, use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rule for a weeklong trip: Limit yourself to no more than five sets of socks and underwear, four tops, three bottoms, two pairs of shoes and one hat.

What is the 5 4 3 2 1 packing method for cold weather? ›

Going somewhere cold? 5 tops, 4 bottoms, 3 pairs of shoes, 2 sweaters, 1 coat. Don't need quite that many outfits? Skip 5 and do 4 tops, 3 bottoms, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 jacket.

What is the 54321 winter packing list? ›

Implement the 54321 packing method, which outlines the ideal way to pack light and is especially helpful when packing for cold weather. This viral hack contends that all one needs to pack on any given trip are five tops, four bottoms, three pairs of shoes, two (dresses or handbags), and one each of small accessories.

What is the 3-3-3 packing rule? ›

To Pack and Wear:

The 333 Packing Method dictates that you should pack only three tops, three bottoms and three pairs of shoes, and you'll wind up with 21 looks.


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.