Shop Birthday Cakes in Longview, TX | Pickup Available (2024)

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"); } if (fulfillment[i] == "curbside") { $("#curbside").html("


"); } if (fulfillment[i] == "pickup") { if (bakery_session_data.isKosher == 1) { if (bakery_session_data.kosherMessage) { } if (bakery_session_data.kosherImage) { $("#pickup").html("

Shop Birthday Cakes in Longview, TX | Pickup Available (20)

"); } else { $("#pickup").html("


"); } } } } } var address2 = ''; var address2_url = ''; if (bakery_session_data.street2) { address2 = bakery_session_data.street2; address2_url = encodeURIComponent(bakery_session_data.street2) + "+"; } $("#store-address").html("" + bakery_session_data.street + "" + address2 + "" + + ", " + bakery_session_data.regionId + " " + bakery_session_data.postcode + ""); var date = new Date(); var timezone = bakery_session_data.timeZone; var dayName = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: timezone, weekday: 'long' }); var today = dayName.toUpperCase(); var timezoneDate = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: timezone }); var currentDate = getCurrentdate(timezoneDate); var currentTimeStamp = new Date(timezoneDate).getTime() / 1000; var bakeryOpenTimeStamp = null; var bakeryCloseTimeStamp = null; let shopOpenStatus = ""; if (bakery_session_data.businessHours) { var bakeryContentAppend = ""; if (isOpened) { var business_hours = JSON.parse(bakery_session_data.businessHours); for (k = 0; k < business_hours.length; k++) { if (today == business_hours[k].dayofWeek) { shopOpenStatus = shopOpenStatusRenderer( business_hours[k].open, business_hours[k].openTime, business_hours[k].closeTime, currentDate, currentTimeStamp ); break; } } bakeryContentAppend += "

"; bakeryContentAppend += "

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    "; } isBakeryOpen = !business_hours_override[x].close; shopOpenStatus = shopOpenStatusRenderer( isBakeryOpen, business_hours_override[x].openTime, business_hours_override[x].closeTime, currentDate, currentTimeStamp ); if (isBakeryOpen) { openTimeStr = business_hours_override[x].openTime; closeTimeStr = business_hours_override[x].closeTime; } } } } if (isBakeryOpen == true) { bakeryOpenTimeStamp = new Date( currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(openTimeStr) ).getTime() / 1000; bakeryCloseTimeStamp = new Date( currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(closeTimeStr) ).getTime() / 1000; var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); var openTimeStr = titleCase(openTimeStr); var closeTimeStr = titleCase(closeTimeStr); if ((bakeryOpenTimeStamp < bakeryCloseTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp) || (bakeryOpenTimeStamp > bakeryCloseTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp))) { bakeryContentAppend += "
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  • "+overrideMessage; } else { bakeryContentAppend += "
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  • "+overrideMessage; } } else { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "Closed
  • "+overrideMessage; } } else { var overrideMessage = ''; var openTimeStr = business_hours[k].openTime; var closeTimeStr = business_hours[k].closeTime; var isBakeryOpen = business_hours[k].open; if (days.indexOf(business_hours[k].dayofWeek) > todayIndex && business_hours_override) { for (var x = 1; x <= nextdays; x++) { let nextDate = getCustomdate(timezoneDate,x); for (var y = 0; y < business_hours_override.length; y++) { let overrideDate = business_hours_override[y].overrideDate.split('/'); overrideDate = overrideDate[2]+"/"+overrideDate[0]+"/"+overrideDate[1]; if ( nextDate == overrideDate && business_hours[k].dayofWeek == days[todayIndex+x] ){ if ('message' in business_hours_override[y]) { overrideMessage = "


    "; } isBakeryOpen = !business_hours_override[y].close; if (isBakeryOpen) { let override = business_hours_override[y]; openTimeStr = override.openTime; closeTimeStr = override.closeTime; } } } } } if (isBakeryOpen) { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); var openTimeStr = titleCase(openTimeStr); var closeTimeStr = titleCase(closeTimeStr); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "" + openTimeStr + " - " + closeTimeStr + "
  • "+overrideMessage; } else { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "Closed
  • "+overrideMessage; } } } } } bakeryContentAppend += "

"; bakeryContentAppend += "

"; } else { bakeryContentAppend += "Hours: Coming Soon!"; } bakeryContentAppend += "

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' + message + '

'); showcloseMessage = true; } } } if (bakery_session_data.globalMessage && isOpened && showcloseMessage === false) { let startTimeStamp = new Date(changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageStartTime)).getTime() / 1000; let endTimeStamp = new Date(changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageEndTime)).getTime() / 1000; console.log('globalMessageStartTime', changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageStartTime)); console.log('globalMessageEndTime', changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageEndTime)); console.log('globalMessageStartTimeStamp', startTimeStamp); console.log('globalMessageEndTimeStamp', endTimeStamp); if ((startTimeStamp < endTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp) || (startTimeStamp > endTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp))) { $("#global-message").html('

' + bakery_session_data.globalMessage + '

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$("#find-a-bakery").css("display", "block"); if (isEnableApiAddress) { $("#current-bakery-popup-top").css("display", "none"); } window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_id'); window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_methods'); window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_pre_order_day'); } } /*NEW CODE END*/ customerData.get('bakery-current').subscribe(updateMenuBakery.bind(this)); var bakeryModalConfigSection = customerData.get('bakerymodal_config'); var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; actualizeCurrentBakery.actualizeWhenLocationCodeInUrlIsDifferent($.Deferred()) function formatPhone(phone) { format_phone = phone.replace(/\D+/g, '') .replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/, '($1) $2-$3'); return format_phone; } function showPosition(position) { let tracking = Tracking(); let locationData = {}; navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }) .then(function (PermissionStatus) { locationData = { state: PermissionStatus.state } tracking.setLocationPermission(locationData); }) var latitude = position.coords.latitude; var longitude = position.coords.longitude; $.ajax({ url: "/find-a-bakery-api/api/nearbybakery", data: { 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'radius': 30, }, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { console.log('IP FALLBACK'); if (data.length > 0) { setCookie('latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('longitude', longitude, 1); setCookie('locationEnabled', 1, 1); setCookie('location_enabled_latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('location_enabled_longitude', longitude, 1); $('#loadedlocation').val('New Value'); let location_code = data[0].location_code; let time_zone = data[0].timezone; let d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); let expires = 'expires=' + d.toUTCString(); let maxAge = 'max-age=' + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; let path = 'path=/'; let domain = ''; document.cookie = "x-bakery=" + location_code + "; " + expires + "; " + maxAge + '; ' + path + '; ' + domain + '; secure;'; document.cookie = "x-bakery-timezone=" + time_zone + "; " + expires + "; " + maxAge + '; ' + path + '; ' + domain + '; secure;'; let outputTimezone = data[0].timezone; if (typeof outputTimezone == 'undefined' || outputTimezone == null || outputTimezone == '') { outputTimezone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; } let localD = new Date(); let utcDate = {timeZone: outputTimezone, month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric'}; let convertedDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', utcDate).format(localD); let targetD = new Date(convertedDate); let mon = targetD.getMonth() + 1; let days = targetD.getDate(); let years = targetD.getFullYear(); let pickupDate = mon + '/' + days + '/' + years; if ($.cookie('overlay-methodSelected') && $.cookie('overlay-methodSelected') == "delivery" && $.cookie('overlay-deliveryDate')) { pickupDate = $.cookie('overlay-deliveryDate'); } else if($.cookie('overlay-pickupDate')) { pickupDate = $.cookie('overlay-pickupDate'); } let locationUrl = window.location.href; if (locationUrl.includes('location') && window.is_location_url_enable == 1) { let newUrlLocation = locationUrl.replace(/location=[\d\/-]+/, "location=" + location_code); 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} } else { shopOpenStatus = "" + "Hours: Closed Now" + ""; } return shopOpenStatus; } function showError(error) { let tracking = Tracking(); let locationData = {}; navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }) .then(function (PermissionStatus) { locationData = { state: PermissionStatus.state } tracking.setLocationPermission(locationData); }) switch (error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: var ip_api_config = "1"; if (ip_api_config == 1) { getLocationByIP(); } console.log("User denied the request for Geolocation."); break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: console.log("Location information is unavailable."); break; case error.TIMEOUT: console.log("The request to get user location timed out."); break; case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR: console.log("An unknown error occurred."); break; } } function getLocationByIP() { console.log('getLocationByIP'); var GOOGLE_API_KEY = "AIzaSyCEuMMkjCv8kMN3dB8yysNP4aoRCo1mQ8k"; $.ajax({ url: '' + GOOGLE_API_KEY, data: JSON.stringify({ "considerIp": "true" }), type: 'POST', async: true, contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { if (data.location) { var latitude =; var longitude = data.location.lng; $.ajax({ url: "/find-a-bakery-api/api/nearbybakery", data: { 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'radius': 30, }, async: true, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { if (data.length > 0) { setCookie('latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('longitude', longitude, 1); setCatagory(); let location_code = data[0].location_code; let timezone = data[0].timezone; let d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); let expires = 'expires=' + d.toUTCString(); let maxAge = 'max-age=' + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; let path = 'path=/'; let domain = ''; document.cookie = "x-bakery=" + location_code + "; " + expires + "; " + maxAge + '; ' + path + '; ' + domain + '; secure;'; document.cookie = "x-bakery-timezone=" + timezone + "; " + expires + "; " + maxAge + '; ' + path + '; ' + domain + '; secure;'; let outputTime = data[0].timezone; if (typeof outputTime == 'undefined' || outputTime == null || outputTime == '') { outputTime = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; } let localDate = new Date(); let utcDate = { timeZone: outputTime, month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }; let convertedD = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', utcDate).format(localDate); let targetDate = new Date(convertedD); let mon = targetDate.getMonth() + 1; let days = targetDate.getDate(); let years = targetDate.getFullYear(); let pickupD = mon + '/' + days + '/' + years; if ($.cookie('overlay-methodSelected') && $.cookie('overlay-methodSelected') == "delivery" && $.cookie('overlay-deliveryDate')) { pickupD = $.cookie('overlay-deliveryDate'); } else if ($.cookie('overlay-pickupDate')) { pickupD = $.cookie('overlay-pickupDate'); } let locationUrl = window.location.href; if (locationUrl.includes('location') && window.is_location_url_enable == 1) { let newUrlLocation = locationUrl.replace(/location=[\d\/-]+/, "location=" + location_code); if (window.is_fulfillment_date_url_enable == 1) { newUrlLocation = newUrlLocation.replace(/fulfillment=[\d\/-]+/, "fulfillment=" + pickupD); } window.location.href = newUrlLocation; } else { window.location.reload(); } } } }); } }, error: function (e) { console.log('error!', JSON.parse(e.responseText)); } }); } function setCatagory() { $.ajax({ url: "/find-a-bakery-api/api/catagoryProductUrl", data: { 'path': window.location.href, }, type: 'POST', success: function (successData) { location.assign(successData); } }); } function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = 'expires=' + d.toUTCString(); var maxAge = 'max-age=' + exdays * 24 * 60 * 60; var path = 'path=/'; document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires + "; " + maxAge + '; ' + path; } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1); if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } return ''; } function titleCase(string) { return string.replace(/^(\w)(.+)/, (match, p1, p2) => p1.toUpperCase() + p2.toLowerCase()); } function getCurrentdate(timestamp) { let now = new Date(timestamp), y = now.getFullYear(), m = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), d = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2); return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function getCustomdate(timestamp, day) { let now = new Date( + day*(3600 * 1000 * 24)), y = now.getFullYear(), m = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), d = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2); return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToCurrentDate(date) { let arr = date.split('/'); y = arr[2]; m = arr[0]; d = arr[1]; return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToFullCurrentDate(fullDate) { let fullDateArr = fullDate.split(' '); let currentDate = changeToCurrentDate(fullDateArr[0]); return `${currentDate} ${fullDateArr[1]}`; } function changeToCurrentDate(date) { let arr = date.split('/'); y = arr[2]; m = arr[0]; d = arr[1]; return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToFullCurrentDate(fullDate) { let fullDateArr = fullDate.split(' '); let currentDate = changeToCurrentDate(fullDateArr[0]); return `${currentDate} ${fullDateArr[1]}`; } function timeToHHmm(time) { var nums = time.match(/\d+/g); var am = /am/i.test(time); nums[0] = ('0' + ((nums[0] % 12) + (am ? 0 : 12))).slice(-2); return nums.join(':'); } }); });

Shop Birthday Cakes in Longview, TX | Pickup Available (2024)


Is Nothing Bundt Cakes coming to Longview, TX? ›

Nothing Bundt Cakes® - Longview, TX at 303 W Loop 281 Suite 120 has been delighting the Longview community since spring 2024. Located in the heart of the city, our bakery offers a cozy atmosphere and a wide array of Bundt Cakes, Bundtlets, and Bundtinis® for every occasion.

Why are birthday cakes so expensive? ›

Decorating a cake is a time-consuming task that requires skill, and cake makers often work around the clock to produce something fabulous. Additionally, there are capital costs and overheads from mixers, cutters and tools, ribbons, marketing, and equipment.

How much cake to buy for a birthday? ›

Cake Portions Chart
Cake SizeRound CakeSquare Cake
7 inch (18 cm)15 servings24 servings
8 inch (20 cm)20 servings32 servings
9 inch (23 cm)27 servings35 servings
10 inch (25 cm)38 servings50 servings
5 more rows

Where do the Kardashians get their birthday cakes from? ›

Hansen's Cakes has been operating in Los Angeles since the 1920s.

How long does a cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes last? ›

Cut your cake and enjoy! 1. Cake will keep in your refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Does Nothing Bundt Cakes make their cakes fresh? ›

Every single cake is made fresh daily in the store's bakeries from the best ingredients. There are nine standard flavors plus a gluten-free option and a featured flavor that changes about every six weeks. Nothing Bundt Cakes come in four different sizes and there are more than 40 different decorating options.

How much should a birthday cake cost? ›

Generally speaking, you should expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $500+ for your custom cake. Usually, the cake pricing for a one tier cake is about $100+, a two tier cake is about $200+, and a three tier cake costs about $300+ with additional costs for any elaborate designs or decorations on the same cake.

What is the most favorite birthday cake? ›

Top 10 Best Cakes
  • Chocolate Cake. You've guessed it right! ...
  • Red Velvet Cake. The second best cake is a melt-in-mouth red velvet cake. ...
  • Vanilla Cake. If we had to vote upon the safest and most liked flavor by all, it would be vanilla cake! ...
  • Cheese Cake. ...
  • Black Forest Cake. ...
  • Lemon Cake. ...
  • Pineapple Upside-Down Cake. ...
  • Funfetti Cake.

Is it cheaper to make a birthday cake or buy one? ›

Turns out, whilst baking from scratch at home is still cheaper than buying a cake from a professional bakery, it would actually be cheaper to Fake Bake. You don't need to turn on the oven, saving you on energy.

What is the most popular birthday cake size? ›

Small Party (8-10 people): A 6-inch birthday cake is usually perfect.
  • Medium Party (15-20 people): An 8-inch birthday cake will do the trick.
  • Large Party (25-30 people): Go for a 10-inch birthday cake.
  • . ...
  • Photos: The birthday cakes are often the star of your party photos.
Jun 20, 2024

What size cake for 60 guests? ›

The average 12" wedding cake serves 40-60 people. The 10" cake on top of that serves 30-40 people and the 8" cake on top of that serves 20-25 people. So a classic 3-tier cake with 12, 10, and 8 inch layers serves about 100 people. Narrower cakes will be smaller, more affordable, and serve fewer people.

What size round cake will feed 20 people? ›

Round Cakes:

Here's a breakdown of servings for standard round cake sizes: 6-inch: Typically serves eight people. 8-inch: Can serve 12–14 people. 10-inch: Serves up to 20 people.

Where does Oprah buy her cakes? ›

Oprah Winfrey LOVES Carousel Cakes and we're grateful for the attention she has given to our family's bakery over the years. Lots of our customers found out about Carousel from “Oprah's Favorite Things”.

Who makes Elvis birthday cake? ›

For 10 years, the ladies of Cakes by Mom and Me have created birthday cakes for Elvis Presley. These aren't just any ordinary birthday cakes, either. Pam Reed and her daughter, Lori Laird, create elaborate, colorful, multi-tiered cakes that pay homage to some part of Elvis, his career or his style.

How much do the Kardashian birthday cakes cost? ›

Viral Kardashian birthday cake is rumored to cost $7,000, and TikTok is perplexed.

Who bought Nothing Bundt Cakes? ›

Summary. Nothing Bundt Cakes (the “Company”), a portfolio company of Levine Leichtman Capital Partners (“LLCP”), has been acquired by an affiliate of Roark Capital (“Roark”). The terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Baird served as an advisor to Nothing Bundt Cakes on this transaction.

What flavor of Nothing Bundt cake is discontinued? ›

Nothing Bundt Cake, a renowned bakery chain, has discontinued their marble flavored bundt cakes. This unique flavor was a beloved choice among the customers for its distinct taste and texture. The discontinuation has left many fans of this flavor disappointed and longing for its return.

How much does Nothing Bundt Cakes pay frosters in Texas? ›

As of Aug 28, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Nothing Bundt Cakes Froster in Texas is $10.42 an hour.

Are Nothing Bundt Cakes supposed to be refrigerated? ›

Our cakes are best enjoyed at room temperature, so be sure to take them out of the fridge 2-3 hours before serving. They can stay unrefrigerated for up to 48 hours. If you still have cake left, it's time to either dive in and finish that yummy cake or refrigerate it.


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Article information

Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 6079

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.