No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (2024)

Looking for sourdough recipes that don't require an oven? Then these no oven sourdough recipes are perfect for you!

Want to use your sourdough starter but don't want to to turn on the oven and heat up the rest of the house? Or maybe your oven is out of action - but you still want some sourdough goodness?

Here are my favorite sourdough recipes to cook without turning on the oven!

Perfect for summer weather when the oven heats up the rest of the house!

You'll find lots of tips for summer sourdough baking at the end of this post.

But let's get into those sourdough recipes that don't need an oven.

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (1)

No Oven Sourdough Recipes

Here are some great recipes for when it's too hot to turn the oven on! These sourdough recipes really don't require an oven.

You don't need to heat up the house, just choose one of these easy peasy selections.

No Oven Sourdough Bread Recipe

Thought you couldn't bake sourdough bread without an oven? Think again! This easy, no knead sourdough discard slow cooker bread recipe is perfect for those days you need bread but it's too hot to turn the oven on. Hello summer!

It's the ultimate no oven sourdough recipe - baked in a slow cooker!

It's actually nicer than you might think - seriously I was not sold on the idea but after trying it a few times, it's actually really lovely! My kids love the soft, squishy crumb - it's sooooo good!

Slow Cooker Sourdough Discard Bread Recipe

This simple sourdough discard slow cooker bread recipe allows you to bake sourdough bread without turning on the oven! Perfect for hot summer weather.

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (3)

Sourdough Discard Zucchini Fritters

These simple fritters are oh so easy to put together - one bowl and straight into a pan. You could even do them outside on the bbq or grill if you wanted to keep things outdoors. You can eat them warm or even cold from the fridge.

Sourdough Discard Zucchini Fritters

These sourdough zucchini fritters are quick, easy and tasty! Perfect for lunch on the go or a savory breakfast idea. They also use up 100g of sourdough discard.

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (4)

Savory Japanese Pancakes

I love making these savory Japanese pancakes for simple summer lunches. Topped with a simple green salad they are just delightful. My chickens always lay more eggs in the summer too which makes these even more of a no brainer! So keep that oven turned off and make these sourdough okonomiyaki instead.

Sourdough Okonomiyaki - Savory Japanese Pancakes

Savory sourdough pancakes inspired by Okonomiyaki pancakes will have you feeding your starter just so you can make more! These delicious pancakes use few ingredients to create something special.

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (5)

Sourdough Discard Waffles

Cooked in a waffle iron, sourdough waffles require no oven. They're a simple breakfast that can be served with fresh fruit for a lovely cooling breakfast on a hot day.

Sourdough Discard Waffles Recipe

No wait sourdough discard waffles are so simple to mix together! You'll be eating waffles in under 10 minutes with no compromise on that sourdough flavor you love!

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (7)

Sourdough Sweet Potato and Chickpea Fritters

You are going to love these sourdough sweet potato and chickpea fritters. You can easily cook them on the griddle outside. They work really well with these sourdough discard hamburger buns (you can make them when it's cooler and have a stash in the freezer).

Sourdough Discard Sweet Potato and Chickpea Fritters

These sourdough fritters are quick, easy and tasty! They are jam packed full of goodness with sweet potato and chickpeas. Great as a snack ... even better in a burger!

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (8)

Sourdough Pasta

You can make delicious pasta using your sourdough starter. The pasta you create can be used for warm pasta dishes - but is also perfect for creating summer pasta salads too!

Sourdough Pasta

Is there anything more homely than homemade pasta? This recipe uses fresh eggs and your sourdough starter to make the best pasta you've ever tasted!

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (9)

Sourdough Naan Bread

Naan is a great way to have sourdough bread without the oven. They can be cooked in a cast iron skillet or even on the bbq or grill. They make a fantastic accompaniment to your favorite dip or charcuterie board.

Sourdough Naan Bread Recipe [with discard options]

This delicious sourdough Naan Bread recipe uses sourdough starter and yoghurt to give this griddle flat bread a soft and tender texture. Perfect to pair with your fave curry!

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (10)

Sourdough Pizza

Now you might think, hang on, you need an oven to make a pizza - and you'd be right. However, you can cook sourdough pizza bases in an outdoor pizza oven (which will not heat up your house). You can even cook them in an air fryer or bbq or outdoor grill.

Sourdough Pizza Dough (in a Stand Mixer)

Use your active sourdough starter to make a delicious bubbly pizza dough with a distinct sourdough flavour. It's sure to become your favourite way to eat pizza! This recipe is designed to be made with a stand mixer or Thermomix.

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (11)

Sourdough Flat Breads or Tortillas

These sourdough flat breads or tortillas are seriously the best sourdough recipe. You can use them for oh so many things and they don't need an oven. You can easily cook them in a cast iron skillet or fry pan or outside on the grill. Super summer sourdough recipe with so many tasty possibilities!

Sourdough Flat Breads

These sourdough flatbreads are incredibly versatile and will become a family favorite at your house in no time. You can serve them in so many different ways and the leftovers make amazing pizzas or pita chips!

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (12)

Sourdough English Muffins

English Muffins are baked on a cast iron skillet rather than in the oven. They will still give you a sourdough bread product - just without the oven.

You can use English Muffins as burger buns, for breakfast sandwiches, mini pizzas - let your imagination go wild!

Sourdough English Muffins

Delicious sourdough English Muffins are a breakfast staple. This overnight recipe is so easy, even the kids can do it!

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (14)

Bread Machine Sourdough Discard Loaf

This easy sourdough discard bread is made from start to finish in a bread machine, which means you won't heat up the whole house just to bake a loaf of sourdough.

Sourdough Discard Bread Machine Recipe

This recipe is for making sourdough discard sandwich bread in a bread maker from start to finish. You will need to consult your bread machine's instruction booklet for program times.

Check out this recipe

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (15)

Cooking Sourdough Bread Without An Oven

While many of these recipes above contain sourdough starter, they aren't actual sourdough bread. Baking sourdough bread in the oven often means heating up the rest of the house. But what if you want sourdough bread when it's stinking hot outside? No oven sourdough bread if you will.

Here are my best tips for baking sourdough bread in the summer months:

  • Consider using a toaster oven or counter top oven that won't generate as much heat. I've written a guide to using a toaster oven for sourdough here.
  • Use a bread machine to make your sourdough from start to finish. It won't heat the whole house like a regular oven will.
  • Use a cast iron Dutch Oven in the BBQ or broiler.
  • Bake your sourdough bread in an outdoor gas pizza oven - the stone base is perfect for bread.
  • Bake extra loaves over winter and freeze them so you can enjoy bake free sourdough over the summer months.

Storing Sourdough Starter Over Summer

If you really don't want to bake sourdough bread over the summer months, you might need to store your sourdough starter so you don't have to feed it.

You can easily store your sourdough starter in the fridge over summer. If you store your starter in the fridge you wouldn't have to feed it often and you can revive it ready for winter baking.

Alternatively you could dehydrate your sourdough starter and store it in the pantry over the summer. You'll find instructions for rehydrating it here.

No matter whether you choose to bake sourdough bread or use your discard over the summer months, there's sure to be a way to enjoy sourdough without turning on the oven.

No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (17)

Want More Summer Sourdough Baking Tips?

Here's even more info if you're looking for even more summer sourdough ideas:

  • Best tips for baking sourdough in hotter weather
  • Learn how to freeze sourdough bread so you can bake over winter and eat over summer!
  • Learn why the amount of sourdough starter you use matters!
  • How to store your sourdough starter in the fridge
No Oven Sourdough Recipes [great for summer weather] (2024)


How to make sourdough in a hot climate? ›

Using cold water during mixing is my number one method for combating the heat when baking sourdough bread in the summer. While this might seem an obvious first step, it's always my first approach to cooling my dough quickly. I keep a large bottle of water in the fridge and grab this when mixing.

How to make sourdough in summer? ›

So what's the short answer to baking sourdough in hot conditions? Mix your dough to a lower temperature, and place it into a cool box, with an ice brick and a thermometer. The dough will ferment happily in the cool environment avoiding the issues associated with over fermenting in hot weather.

Can I cook sourdough without an oven? ›

It's the ultimate no oven sourdough recipe - baked in a slow cooker! It's actually nicer than you might think - seriously I was not sold on the idea but after trying it a few times, it's actually really lovely! My kids love the soft, squishy crumb - it's sooooo good!

What temperature is too hot for sourdough? ›

Too Hot (90 degrees or above): If the temperature of your dough is too hot, yeast will ferment quickly, often adding a more sour flavor to your bread. Temperatures above 120 degrees can kill the yeast. I try not to add water above 100 degrees Fahrenheit to my sourdough.

Is 100 degrees too hot for sourdough starter? ›

Yeast will die if exposed to temps of 60C or above (140F). It is very likely that your sourdough starter will actually die at temps lower than this. Anything above 120F (50C) would be considered too hot for a sourdough starter and will kill the wild yeast if exposed for long periods.

Can you bake bread in humid weather? ›

Lower humidity generally results in a crustier, crunchier bread. Even the humidity inside your oven can affect how your bread turns out - in multiple ways. If there's too much moisture, it obstructs heat transfer and makes your crust temperature too low, so you end up with a lighter-colored crust.

What is the secret to sourdough? ›

6. Just add water for softer sourdough. The secret to sourdough is simple: water. The more water you add to your dough will affect how open the crumb (bigger holes and softer texture) will be once it's baked.

What to use instead of a Dutch oven for sourdough? ›

Any sourdough recipe can be baked in a loaf pan! Using a sandwich loaf tin is a great option for baking sourdough bread. It creates a uniform loaf of bread that's perfect for sandwiches and doesn't require a Dutch oven!

Can I bake sourdough on a cookie sheet? ›

If you're not using a baking stone, turn them out onto a parchment-lined (or lightly greased) baking sheet and slash them. Scoring (a.k.a. slashing) a risen loaf just before putting it into the oven helps it retain its shape by giving it a pre-designated spot — the slash — to expand.

Can you bake sourdough in a casserole dish? ›

Now you will need to make sure that casserole pot or Pyrex dish is able to withstand the high heat of sourdough baking. Some are rated for high heat, but you will need to be sure that it can handle high heat before you use it. It's best to use a Pyrex or casserole dish with a lid. This will mimic using a Dutch Oven.

How to make sourdough starter in Florida? ›

  1. In your container mix 250 grams (1 cup) cool water with 125 grams (1 cup) all-purpose and 125 grams (1 cup) whole-wheat flours.
  2. Stir until combined, cover loosely with cloth or the lid to your jar and leave it in a warm location (about 70º).
  3. Let your starter sit for 24 hours.
Oct 27, 2015

Does weather affect sourdough starters? ›

High temperatures and/or humidity can affect your starter greatly; both can make your starter work a lot faster and therefore it works its way through the flour faster.

What happens to sourdough starter if it gets too hot? ›

It's much too warm for much too long. The starter will ferment like mad and get thin and weak as a result.

How do you store sourdough bread in hot weather? ›

Store it in a brown paper bag

Anyone who buys freshly-baked sourdough at Woolies or Coles will notice it comes wrapped in paper. This is because brown paper bags allow the sourdough to breathe, which makes them a simple option for home bakers – just make sure you store your loaf at room temperature for best results.


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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.