Massachusetts Bay Colony Timeline - History of Massachusetts Blog (2024)

The Massachusetts Bay colony was settled by a group of non-Separatist Puritans from England in 1630. The group were members of the Massachusetts Bay Company, which was a joint stock trading company that formed in 1628 to trade furs and fish from New England.

Massachusetts Bay became the most successful colony in Massachusetts and later absorbed nearby colonies such as the Province of New Hampshire, the Province of Maine and Plymouth Colony.

The following is a timeline of theMassachusetts Bay Colony:

1498 – John Cabot explores the eastcoast of North America and claims it for England.

1602– Bartholomew Gosnold explores the east coast and names Cape Cod.

1614 – Captain John Smith exploresand maps the New England coast.

1623 – Gloucester is settled by theDorchester Company.

1625 – Boston is settled by WilliamBlackstone, a member of CaptainRobert Gorge’s 1623 expedition to New England.

1626 – Gloucester is abandoned by the Dorchester Company and the remaining members, led by Roger Conant, relocate to Salem.

1628 – Early in the year, a new groupof investors known as the New England Company for a Plantation inMassachusetts Bay is established.

On March 20, the Council for New England issues a land grant to the New England Company for the land between the Charles River and the Merrimack River in Massachusetts.

John Endecott and the New England Company takes over control of Salem, Massachusetts from the members of the Dorchester Company by order of the Council for New England.

Massachusetts Bay Colony Timeline - History of Massachusetts Blog (1)

1629 – On February 27, the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter is confirmed. The charter changes the name of the New England Company to “the Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England.”

On March 4, the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter passed the seals.

On March 18, the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter is signed by King Charles I. The charter omits the clause requiring the company to hold its business meetings in England.

On August 28, the Massachusetts BayCompany holds a series of meetings in Cambridge, England to debatewhether to move the entire company to New England.

On October 16, the Massachusetts BayCompany votes to move the government and charter to New England.

On October 20, John Winthrop is electedthe first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

1630 – In April, the Massachusetts Bay colonists set sail with a fleet of 11 ships from Southampton for New England. This marks the beginning of the Great Puritan Migration in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

On June 12, the Massachusetts Baycolonists reach the coast of Massachusetts and land at Salem. Theexisting colony at Salem is unable to accommodate the 700-800 newcolonists so the Massachusetts Bay colonists resettle in Charlestown.

In August, the colonists are invited byWilliam Blackstone, the last remaining member of the failedDorchester colony, to live with him on the Shawmut peninsula, whichis now modern day Boston.

In September, the colonists officially name their settlement Boston after Boston, England.

1632 – The colonists officially makeBoston the capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

1634 – William Blackstone sells his50 acre farm in Boston to the colonists, which they use as acommunity common now known as Boston Common, and leaves for RhodeIsland.

1635 – On October 9, Roger Williamsis found guilty of spreading “newe & dangerous opinions”and is banished from theMassachusetts Bay Colony.

1636–In January, Roger Williams flees the Massachusetts Bay Colony forRhode Island after the Antinomian controversy breaks out.

OnSeptember 8, Harvard College is established in Cambridge.

1637 – On November 7, Anne Hutchinsonis brought to trial by the Massachusetts Bay Colony for sedition.

1639– On November 6, the first post office is established in the colonyin Boston.

1640 -1642 – The Great Puritan Migration comes to an end after the outbreak of the English Civil War and the establishment of the Long Parliament.

1641 – On December 10, the Massachusetts Bay Colony becomes the first colony to legalize slavery.

1642 – Gloucester is taken over bythe Massachusetts Bay Colony.

The Massachusetts Bay Colony passes a law requiring that children be taught “to read & understand the principles of religion & the capitall lawes of this country.”

1643 – The colony joins the New England Confederation.

1647 – The legislature passes a lawrequiring that all towns establish and maintain public schools.

1648 – The colony tries and executes an accused witch, Margaret Jones, for the first time.

1652 – A mint is established in the colony, despite the fact that it is illegal and violates the terms of the charter.

1659 – On May 11, the Massachusetts Bay Colony legislature bans Christmas.

1665 – King Charles II sends a royal commission to New England to investigate violations of the Navigation Acts. The commission discovers the illegal mint and orders it to shut down. The Massachusetts General Court refuses.

1675 – King Philip’s War breaks out in Massachusetts and Rhode Island which devastates the colony’s economy and destroys 1,200 homes and 12 settlements. King Charles II establishes the Lords of Trade to help regulate trade in the colonies.

1676– In June, the Lords of Trade send a courtier named Edward Randolphto New England to request that Massachusetts send two representativesto London to discuss claims on its land by proprietors in Maine andNew Hampshire.

In September, Randolph travels the New England colonies looking for violations of the charter’s terms. He writes a lengthy report detailing many violations, including the illegal mint and various colonial laws the contradict English laws.

1677– In May, Randolph writes a brief report to the Committee ofForeign Affairs listing eight accusations against the MassachusettsBay Colony.

In July, the Lords of Trade launch a formal investigation into Randolph’s charges and decide that Massachusetts can keep the mint and their charter if they apologize to the king, use the king’s image on their coins and begin to administer oaths of allegiance to the king in the colony. The Massachusetts agents agree to the terms but the Massachusetts General Court refuses.

1679– Randolph is sent to the colony as a full-time tax collector andcustoms official.

1681 – The ban on Christmas is repealed.

In April, Randolph sends a letter to the king informing him of continued violations of the charter in Massachusetts and requests a writ of Quo warranto be issued.

In October, the colony receives a letter from the king that lists the colony’s many violations, requests two new agents be sent to London and states that a writ of Quo warranto will be issued against the charter.

1682– In August, two Massachusetts agents arrive in London but withoutauthority to revise the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter.

1683– In March, the Lords of Trade ask the Massachusetts General Courtto grant the agents the authority to revise the charter. The GeneralCourt refuses.

In June, Randolph submits a petition to the Lords of Trade accusing Massachusetts of 17 acts of high misdemeanor, with the illegal mint being the first among them. They issue a writ of Quo warranto against the charter but King Charles II informs Massachusetts that the charter might survive if the Crown were invited to revise it.

In December, the lower house of the Massachusetts General Court votes to reject King Charles’s proposal.

1684– In April, a writ of Scire faciasis issued against the Massachusetts Bay Company but representativesfrom Massachusetts do not appear in court at the appointed time.

In June, another writ of Scire facias is issued and requires the colony to respond within six weeks, even though it takes longer than six weeks for the writ to reach them. A judgment is made by Court of Chancery against Massachusetts but it is set aside until the agents can appear and enter a plea.

In either September or October, the Massachusetts agents appear in the Court of Chancery but refuse to enter a plea.

In October, the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter is revoked.

1686 – The Dominion of New England is established and the colony is forced to merge with the other New England colonies into one single royal colony.

1688 – King William’s War breaks out between England and France.

1689 – On April 18, the Boston Revolttakes place during which Dominion of New England is overthrown.

1690 – The first newspaper, PublickOccurrences: Both Foreign and Domestick, is established in thecolony.

1691 – A new charter is issued and the colony is converted into a royal colony known as the Province of Massachusetts Bay.

1692 – The Salem Witch Trials begin in Salem Village. A total of 19 people are hanged, one person is pressed to death and five others die in jail.

1693 – The Salem Witch Trials come to an end.

1699 – King William’s War comes to an end.

1702 – Queen Anne’s War breaks out between England and France.

1713– Queen Anne’s War comes to an end.

1744 – King George’s War breaks out between England and France.

1748– King George’s War comes to an end.

1763 – The American Revolution begins.

1775 – On April 19, the Shot HeardRound the World takes place in Concord, Massachusetts, which marksthe beginning of the Revolutionary War.

1775 – On April 19, the Siege ofBoston takes place.

1776 – On March 17, the Siege ofBoston ends and the British troops evacuate from Boston.

1780 – Massachusetts officiallybecomes a state.

1783– On September 7, the Revolutionary War comes to an end whenthe Treaty of Paris is signed.

Winthrop, John. Winthrop’s Journal “History of New England,” 1630- 1649. Vol I, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1908.
Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Vol. I 1628-1641, William White, 1853,
Moe, Barbara. The Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony: A Primary Source Investigation into the 1629 Charter. Rosen Publishing Group, 2003.
“Massachusetts City and Towns Incorporation and Settlement Dates.” Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
“Brief History with Timeline.”,
“Dedham’s History.” Town of Dedham,
Karr, Ronald Dale. “The Missing Clause: Myth and the Massachusetts Bay Charter of 1629.” The New England Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 1, 2004, pp. 89–107. JSTOR,
“Explorers and Settlers.” National Park Service,

Massachusetts Bay Colony Timeline - History of Massachusetts Blog (2024)


What historical events happened in Massachusetts Bay Colony? ›

Massachusetts Bay Colony
• Charter issued1629
• New England Confederation formed1643
• Revocation of the Royal Charter1684
• Dominion of New England established1686
26 more rows

What are 3 facts about the Massachusetts Bay Colony? ›

The Massachusetts Bay Company sent more than 1,000 Puritans across the Atlantic Ocean in 1630. They were the first settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Their leader was John Winthrop. They set up their own government and started several towns.

When was Massachusetts founded in 13 colonies? ›

Original thirteen states
StateYear Colony FoundedYear of Statehood
New Hampshire16231788
9 more rows

What was the economy of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1600s? ›

Economy: The economy of colonial Boston was primarily based on trade, agriculture, and fishing. The region's natural resources, such as timber, fish, and furs, attracted merchants and shipbuilders. Boston Harbor became a vital port, connecting the colony with other parts of the world.

What are some historical events that happened in Massachusetts? ›

1770March 5Boston Massacre
1818October 28Abigail Adams dies in Quincy
1825June 17Cornerstone laid for the Bunker Hill Monument
1826July 4John Adams dies in Quincy
1843June 17Ceremonies to mark the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument
23 more rows

What was the major reason the Massachusetts colony began? ›

The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the Puritans, a religious group in England. They founded their colony to escape religious persecution and hoped to build a model religious community in the Americas. The productivity and quality of life in the colony were remarkable for the time.

What was the problem with the Massachusetts Bay Colony? ›

Like all early settlements, the Massachusetts Bay Colony suffered from harsh weather, dwindling supplies, and Indian hostility. The colony thrived despite these hardships. The Puritan's strong religious beliefs made it the most stable of the English settlements in the New World.

What was the first town in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? ›

The Pilgrims were followed by Puritans who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony at Salem (1629) and Boston (1630). The Puritans strongly dissented from the theology and church polity of the Church of England, and they came to Massachusetts for religious freedom.

What was Massachusetts called before it became a state? ›

Massachusetts was a site of early English colonization. The Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims of the Mayflower. In 1630, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, taking its name from the Indigenous Massachusett people, also established settlements in Boston and Salem.

What type of government did the Massachusetts Bay Colony have? ›

In the 1630s, English puritans in Massachusetts bay colony created a self-government that went far beyond what existed in England. Some historians argue that it was a religious government, or theocracy. Others claim it was a democracy.

What was Massachusetts named after? ›

Massachusetts takes its name from the Massachusett tribe of indigineous people, who lived in the Great Blue Hill region south of Boston. The term roughly translates as “at or about the Great Hill”.

What are some interesting facts about the Massachusetts Bay Colony? ›

Interesting Massachusetts Colony Facts:

The Massachusetts Bay Colony wasn't settled for another 10 years. When the Pilgrims first arrived in 1620 it was the local Wamapanoag Indians who taught them how to plant crops. The Indians and the Pilgrims went on to celebrate the first Thanksgiving in the New World together.

How did the Massachusetts Bay Colony get money? ›

The Massachusetts Bay Colony primarily made money through shipbuilding, fishing, fur, and lumber production. The things produced in Massachusetts were not only exported to Europe, but were also purchased by colonists in other regions.

What was daily life like in Massachusetts colony? ›

For the majority of colonists, daily life consisted of supporting the profession the family was centered around. Nearly all rural communities were supported by farming while the larger, more concentrated port cities were hubs for mercantile businesses and artisan trades.

What problems did the Massachusetts Bay Colony face? ›

Like all early settlements, the Massachusetts Bay Colony suffered from harsh weather, dwindling supplies, and Indian hostility. The colony thrived despite these hardships. The Puritan's strong religious beliefs made it the most stable of the English settlements in the New World.

What were the achievements of the Massachusetts colony? ›

The Puritans created a legislative and administrative assembly free from royal oversight. Additionally, the first public school in North America, the Boston Latin School, was established in Boston in 1635, and Harvard University was founded in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636.

What was daily life like in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? ›

For the majority of colonists, daily life consisted of supporting the profession the family was centered around. Nearly all rural communities were supported by farming while the larger, more concentrated port cities were hubs for mercantile businesses and artisan trades.

What is the history of Massachusetts? ›

Massachusetts was a site of early English colonization. The Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims of the Mayflower. In 1630, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, taking its name from the Indigenous Massachusett people, also established settlements in Boston and Salem.


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