Landscape and Environment Management | Qompas Platform (2024)


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Landscape and Environment Management

Tijdens de studie Landscape and Environment Management leer je over het beheer en behoud van landschappen en natuurlijke omgevingen. Je verdiept je in verschillende aspecten, zoals ecologie, ruimtelijke planning en duurzaamheid. Daarnaast ontwikkel je vaardigheden om milieuproblemen aan te pakken en oplossingen te vinden die zowel creatief als technisch zijn.


Overzicht van de profielen die wel of geen toelating geven.

Natuur en Techniek

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Natuur en Gezondheid

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Economie en Maatschappij

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Cultuur en Maatschappij

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Toelating met aanvullende vakken (economie of wiskunde A of wiskunde B)

Natuur en Techniek

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Natuur en Gezondheid

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Cultuur en Maatschappij

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2 gevonden

Landscape and Environment Management Hogeschool Inholland
Landscape and Environment Management Hogeschool Inholland

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WO Sociale geografie en planologie Tijdens de studie Sociale Geografie en Planologie bestudeer je de relatie tussen mens en ruimte, en hoe deze relatie de samenleving beïnvloed. Je leert over stedelijke ontwikkeling, ruimtelijke ... Bekijk deze studie
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WO Environmental Sciences De vervuiling van de afgelopen jaren heeft negatieve effecten gehad op mens, plant en dier. In de studie Environmental Sciences leer je vervuilingproblemen te signaleren, te onderzoeken en op te ... Bekijk deze studie
WO Technische planologie Tijdens de studie Technische Planologie bestudeer je hoe steden en ruimtes worden gepland en ontwikkeld om aan de behoeften van de samenleving te voldoen. Je leert over stedelijke planning, ... Bekijk deze studie
WO Soil, Water, Atmosphere Tijdens de studie Soil, Water, Atmosphere leer je over de interacties tussen bodem, water en atmosfeer. Je verdiept je in onderwerpen zoals bodemvorming, hydrologie en klimaatverandering. Daarnaast ... Bekijk deze studie
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WO Sociale Geografie In de opleiding Sociale geografie bestudeer je de manier waarop mensen het aardoppervlak indelen. Ook onderzoek je het ruimtegebruik van mensen. De mens kan zelf zorgen voor veranderingen in zijn ... Bekijk deze studie
WO Future Planet Studies De driejarige bachelorstudie Future Planet Studies richt zich op de toekomst van onze planeet. Er wordt getracht oplossingen te bieden voor problemen omtrent energie, innovatie en duurzaamheid. De ... Bekijk deze studie
WO Aarde en Economie Tijdens de studie Aarde en Economie bestudeer je de relatie tussen onze planeet en economische processen. Je verdiept je in onderwerpen zoals duurzaamheid, natuurlijke hulpbronnen, en hoe ... Bekijk deze studie
WO Sociologie Tijdens de studie Sociologie leer je over de samenleving en de dynamiek tussen mensen. Je bekijkt onderwerpen, zoals cultuur, macht, ongelijkheid en sociale verandering, en begrijpt hoe deze van ... Bekijk deze studie
WO Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap Tijdens de studie Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap onderzoek je verschillende aspecten van menselijk gedrag en samenlevingen vanuit diverse wetenschappelijke perspectieven. Je leert over ... Bekijk deze studie
WO Milieu-natuurwetenschappen Tijdens de studie Milieu-natuurwetenschappen hou je je bezig met milieuvraagstukken, die je bestudeert met behulp van exacte vakken. Daarnaast volg je vakken als geologie, ruimtelijke ordening, ... Bekijk deze studie
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Landscape and Environment Management | Qompas Platform (16)

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Delft Hogeschool Inholland Landscape and Environment Management
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06 november 2024 DELFT Open Avond Inholland Delft Hogeschool Inholland Bezoek onze Open Avond op woensdag 6 november 2024! Tussen 17.00 en 20.00 uur kun je onder meer kennismaken met onze opleidingen, de sfeer van de ...


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Wat kun je na deze studie doen?

Gemiddelde bruto startsalaris

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Tevredenheid over aansluiting op de arbeidsmarkt

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Tevredenheid over studiekeuze achteraf

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Afgestudeerden van Landscape and Environment Management krijgen de titel Bachelor of Landscape & Environment. In Nederland mag je ook de titel van ingenieur voeren. Je komt na deze studie terecht in een divers werkveld. Je kan op lokaal, regionaal of landelijk niveau aan de slag. Voorbeelden van werkplekken zijn het waterschap, milieudiensten, gemeentes, Rijkswaterstaat en milieufederaties. Functies die je als afgestudeerde onder andere kunt bekleden zijn beleidsmedewerker, adviseur en onderzoeker. Je kunt na je afstuderen ook verder met een passende masteropleiding. Voorbeelden van aansluitende masteropleidingen zijn: European Spatial & Environmental Planning, Environmental Sciences, Planologie, en Environmental & Resource Management.

Aansluitende beroepen

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Landscape and Environment Management | Qompas Platform (28)


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Aansluitende Masters


Landscape and Environment Management

Wageningen University & Research - Wageningen


Landscape and Environment Management

Wageningen University & Research - Breda


Landscape and Environment Management

Wageningen University & Research - Amsterdam

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Landscape and Environment Management

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Landscape and Environment Management | Qompas Platform (2024)


What are the important attributes of landscape systems needed to analyse? ›

The process begins with a site inventory and analysis of soil, drainage, climate conditions, and existing vegetation. This is a critical step for both plant selection and placement and locating family activities and functions.

What is a landscape approach? ›

Landscape approaches apply a broad range of tried and tested strategies and methods for the sustainable management of natural resources (e.g. forest landscape restoration, integrated landscape management, sustainable land management, land degradation neutrality, watershed development, agroforestry, integrated rangeland ...

What is the functional landscape approach? ›

in particular, the FLa stresses the ways in which land productivity can be improved through supporting, strengthening or re-establishing functional linkages - especially in terms of water, soil and nutrients, between different landscape units, such as wetlands and their catchments.

What is the integrated landscape? ›

Integrated landscape management is the management of production systems and natural resources in an area large enough to produce vital ecosystem services and small enough to be managed by the people using the land and producing those services (FAO, 2013).

What are the 5 basic elements of landscape design? ›

An aesthetic landscape design incorporates five key elements: line, form, texture, color and scale. The perfect balance of these design features appeals to the eye and brings harmony to a space.

What are the 3 major principles of landscape design? ›

The principles of landscape design, namely proportion, order, repetition and unity, are the fundamental concepts of composition that professionals use to plan all kinds of open spaces.

What are the 3 concepts of a landscape? ›

One method of describing landscapes divides a landscape into three basic elements: patches, corridors or buffers, and matrix (fig. 2). Figure 2 — The landscape described in basic landscape ecology terms.

What are the 3 basic types of landscapes? ›

There are different types of landscape:
  • Mountain landscapes. We can see mountains, with narrow rivers, forests, villages and steep roads.
  • Flat landscapes. We can see flat land, wide rivers, farms, cities and motorways.
  • Coastal landscapes. We can see cliffs, the sea and tourist towns.

What is the function of the landscape in the environment? ›

Landscape function refers to the interactions among different spatial elements of a landscape, including the flows of energy, materials, and species between patches, corridors, and the surrounding matrix.

What is managing whole systems and landscapes? ›

A landscape management framework that incorporates all systems, across the spectrum of degrees of alteration, provides a fuller set of options for how and when to intervene, uses limited resources more effectively, and increases the chances of achieving management goals.

What is responsive landscape? ›

Responsive Landscapes frames a comprehensive view of design projects using responsive technologies and their relationship to landscape and environmental space.

What is holistic landscape design? ›

Holistic Landscape Design Programs

Create sustainable landscapes that work with nature, not against it.

What is a didactic landscape? ›

The didactic landscapes of institutions can bring enlightenment, a sense of place and belonging, a means to socialise, exercise or grow food. The didactic landscape of the institution can offer spaces to subvert or to protest in, to resist the dominant ideologies, as the Occupy movement so clearly illustrates.

What is landscape identity? ›

Landscape identity is a social. and personal construction (Haartsen et al., 2000) in which the biophysical features of. the area are components. People attribute landscape identity to various scales within. the landscape—such as a place, region, county or country—whereby smaller scale.

What are the factors considered for analysis in landscape? ›

It is crucial when landscaping or re-landscaping to first conduct a site analysis which consists of studying planting-site characteristics such as the amount of sun or shade, salt spray exposure, water drainage, compaction, soil type and pH.

What are the 3 main attributes used to describe a system landscape model? ›

Ideally, in a Sap environment, a three-system landscape exists. A system landscape consists of Development Server (Dev), Production Server (PROD), and Quality Assurance server (QAS). SAP Architecture is defined as a technology framework of SAP system and it changes with time unlike the system landscape.

What are landscape attributes? ›

These will include:- • Biophysical elements, patterns, and processes • Sensory qualities • Spiritual, cultural and social associations, including both activities and meanings.

What are some systems that are used to analyse landscapes? ›

Landscape analyses often utilize both aerial photography - which is a great tool for viewing large-scale space to help identify major patterns of use and development - and field work, which is done to see if the patterns you observed from above match the evidence on the ground.


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.