Killer Instinct Classic (2025)

Killer Instinct Classic

The smash arcade classic returns in all its glory!

Shadowy conglomerate Ultratech has organized a merciless fighting tournament of unprecedented scope and brutality. Lured by Ultratech’s promises or driven by their own motives, fighters from all over the world have gathered to compete, including a mysterious warrior monk, a disgraced heavyweight boxing champion, a convict made of living flame, and the reanimated skeleton of an ancient warrior.

Who among them has a true Killer Instinct?

Fight on!

Final Version

Play the final version 1.5d of the Killer Instinct arcade game. Play vs. CPU or against a second player.

Classic Version

Play the popular earlier version 1.4 of the Killer Instinct arcade game, which featured some fan-favorite “glitches” including unblockable moves, mini-Eyedol, and more. Play vs. CPU or against a second player.

Training Modes

Practice your moves and combos against the CPU while enjoying infinite rounds and no time limit. Hold the View button to rewind the last few seconds of play.

  • Forward (toward your opponent)
  • Down-forward
  • Down (crouch)
  • Down-back
  • Back (away from your opponent)
  • Quick punch
  • Medium punch
  • Fierce punch
  • Quick kick
  • Medium kick
  • Fierce kick
  • Any punch
  • Any kick
  • Charge Hold button for 1 second
  • Long Charge Hold button for 2 seconds
  • T.J. Combo The undisputed heavyweight champion of the world for 5 years, stripped of his title when found using cybernetically enhanced arms. Now broke, he enters the contest for the love of money.
  • Jago A Tibetan warrior monk, who calls on the power of the tiger to discover his destiny. Overseen by the Tiger Spirit, Jago must enter the contest and destroy the evil within.
  • B. Orchid A secret agent sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances that surround the Ultratech contest. Her true identity and abilities are shrouded in secrecy.
  • Chief Thunder Mystical defender of Native Americans. Thunder enters the contest in order to uncover the mystery surrounding his brother’s disappearance in the previous year's tournament.
  • Fulgore A prototype cybernetic soldier developed by Ultratech, entered into the contest as a final test of its capabilities before mass production can begin.
  • Spinal After an unprecedented discovery in cell regeneration, Ultratech has recreated an ancient warrior from the past. Having no memory and lacking in purpose, he fights regardless.
  • Riptor A product of Ultratech’s DNA manipulation project. By mixing human and reptilian genes, they hope to cross intelligence and ferocity in a lethal fighting machine.
  • Sabrewulf Afflicted with the disease Lycanthropy. Spending most of his life as a recluse, Sabrewulf enters the tournament on the promise of a cure if victorious.
  • Glacius A convict, experimented on by Ultratech. A failed chemical weapon test mutated his body turning him into living flame. Promised freedom if he defeats Glacius, he enters the fray.
  • Cinder A convict, experimented on by Ultratech. A failed chemical weapon test mutated his body turning him into living flame. Promised freedom if he defeats Glacius, he enters the fray.
  • Eyedol The origins of this tremendous creature are shrouded in mystery, though there are some who claim its name is “Billy.”

The undisputed heavyweight champion of the world for 5 years, stripped of his title when found using cybernetically enhanced arms. Now broke, he enters the contest for the love of money.

Special Attacks

Spinning Backfist
(Charge ), +
Double backfist
(Charge ), +
(Charge ), +

Triple Rollercoaster
(Long Charge ) for longer, +
(Charge ), + -- to get a non-knockdown version, (Long Charge ).
(Long Charge ), (Release ),
Flying Knee
(Charge ), + /

Knee KO
(Charge ), +

Combo Breaker


Shadow Moves

Shadow Powerline
Hold , (Charge ), +(Release )

In-Combo Finishers

Ultra Combo
(Charge ), +

Ultimate - Screen Punch
, , , , +


No Mercy - Chiropractor
, , +
No Mercy - Screen Punch
, , , , +
, , +

A Tibetan warrior monk, who calls on the power of the tiger to discover his destiny. Overseen by the Tiger Spirit, Jago must enter the contest and destroy the evil within.

Special Attacks

, , +
Yellow Endokuken
(Hold ), , , + (Release )
Tiger Fury
, , +
Sliding Tiger Fury
(Charge ), , +
Laser Sword
, , +
Wind Kick
, , +
Fast Wind Kick
(Hold ), , , + (Release )

Combo Breaker

, , +

Shadow Moves

Red Endokuken
(Hold ), , , + (Release )
Shadow Wind Kick
(Hold ), , , + (Release )

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Sword Stab
, , , , +
Ultra Combo
, , +


No Mercy - Sword Stab
, , +
No Mercy - Falling Car
, , , +
, , , , +

A secret agent sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances that surround the Ultratech contest. Her true identity and abilities are shrouded in secrecy.

Special Attacks

, , +
Flick Flak
(Charge ), +
Fire Cat
(Charge ), +

Turbo Fire Cat
(Hold ), (Charge ), + (Release )
Spinning Sword
, , +
, , + /

Back Flip

Combo Breaker

, +

Shadow Moves

Shadow Ichi
(Hold ), , , + (Release )
Shadow Fire Cat
(Hold ), (Charge ), + (Release )

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Heart Attack
, , , , +
Ultra Combo
(Charge ), +


No Mercy - Frog Stomp
, , + → wait →
No Mercy - Heart Attack
, , +
, , , , +

Mystical defender of Native Americans. Thunder enters the contest in order to uncover the mystery surrounding his brother’s disappearance in the previous year's tournament.

Special Attacks

, , +
Fast Phoenix
(Hold ), , , + (Release )
Flying Mohawk
, , + /
, , , , +
(Charge ), +
Reverse Triplax
(Charge ), +
, , + (in air)

Combo Breaker

, , +

Shadow Moves

Shadow Tomahawk
(Hold ), , , + (Release ) (in air)
Giant Phoenix
(Hold ), , , + (Release )

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Rain Dance
, , +
Ultra Combo
(Charge ), +


No Mercy - Rain Dance
, , , , +
No Mercy - Axe Uppercut
, , , , +
, , +

A prototype cybernetic soldier developed by Ultratech, entered into the contest as a final test of its capabilities before mass production can begin.

Special Attacks

Plasma Slice
, , +
Cyber Dash
(Charge ), +
Laser Storm (Single)
, , +
Laser Storm (Double)
, , , , +
Laser Storm (Triple)
, , , , , +
Eye Laser
, , +
Plasma-port (Front)
, , +
Plasma-port (Behind)
, , +
, , +

Combo Breaker

, , +

Shadow Moves

Shadow Plasma Slice
(Hold ), , , + (Release )
Cyber Dash
(Hold ), (Charge ), + (Release )

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Gun 'em Down
, , +
Ultra Combo
, , +


No Mercy - Eye Laser
, , , , +
No Mercy - Gun 'em Down
, , , , +
, , , , +

After an unprecedented discovery in cell regeneration, Ultratech has recreated an ancient warrior from the past. Having no memory and lacking in purpose, he fights regardless.

Special Attacks

Power Devour
+ (Hold ) (absorbs special moves, awards 1 skull)
Soul Sword
(Charge ), +
Soul Sword
(Charge ), +
Bone Shaker
, +
Skeleport Front
, +
Skeleport Behind
, +
Air Skeleport Front
(Hold ), Jump, , + (Release ) (in air)
Air Skeleport Behind
(Hold ), Jump, , + (Release ) (in air)
Weak Sliding Kick
, , +

Combo Breaker

, + (gives 3 skulls)

Shadow Moves

Searing Skull
, , + (uses 1 skull)
Super Searing Skull
, , , , + (uses 2 skulls)
Double Soul Sword
(Charge ), + (requires 1 skull)

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Skeleton Grab
, , +
Ultra Combo
, , +


No Mercy - Skeleton Grab
, , +
No Mercy - Shield Stab
, , +
, , , , +

A product of Ultratech’s DNA manipulation project. By mixing human and reptilian genes, they hope to cross intelligence and ferocity in a lethal fighting machine.

Special Attacks

Claw Uppercut
, , +
Flaming Venom
, , + (ground and air)
Dragon Breath
, , +

Tail Flip
, , +
Air Tail Flip
, , +
Jump Rake
(Charge ), +
Reverse Jump Rake
(Charge ), + /
(Charge ), +

Combo Breaker

, +

Shadow Moves

Blue Flaming Venom
(Hold ), , , + (Release )

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Eat Opponent
, , , , +
Ultra Combo
(Charge ), +


No Mercy - Eat Opponent
, , , , +
No Mercy - Deadly Venom
, , +
No Mercy - Tail Stab
, , +
, , +

Afflicted with the disease Lycanthropy. Spending most of his life as a recluse, Sabrewulf enters the tournament on the promise of a cure if victorious.

Special Attacks

Flaming Bat
, , +
(Charge ), +
Reverse Sabre-Spin
(Charge ), +
(Charge ), +
(Charge ), +
(Charge ), +
Fast Sabre-Pounce
(Hold ), (Charge ), + (Release )
+ (grants same effect as performing a Combo Breaker)

Combo Breaker

, +

Shadow Moves

Double Sabre-Spin
(Charge ), +
Double Sabre-Roll
(Charge ), +
Long Sabre-Pounce
(Charge ), +

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Claw Stab
, , , , +
Ultra Combo
(Charge ), +


No Mercy - Claw Stab
, +
No Mercy - Screen Punch
, , +
, , +

An alien being from a distant planet. Crash-landing on Earth, he was captured by Ultratech. Hoping to prove the aliens inferior, they force Glacius to fight for his life.

Special Attacks

Ice Lance
, , +
Cold Shoulder
(Charge ), +
, , +

, , +
Liquidize and Uppercut
, , + /

Combo Breaker

, +

Shadow Moves

Fast Shockwave
(Hold , , + (Release )

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Acid Puddle
, , , , +
Ultra Combo
(Charge ), +


No Mercy - Blob Engulf
, , , , +
No Mercy - Ice Pick
, , , ,
No Mercy - Acid Puddle
, , +
, , +

A convict, experimented on by Ultratech. A failed chemical weapon test mutated his body turning him into living flame. Promised freedom if he defeats Glacius, he enters the fray.

Special Attacks

, + or (Charge B), +
Heat Fist
, +
, , , , +
, , , , +
(Charge ), + (ground only)
Flip Kick
, , +

Combo Breaker

, , +

Shadow Moves

Heatsink Teleport (Front)
, , , , +
Heatsink Teleport (Behind)
(Hold ), , , , , + (Release )

In-Combo Finishers

Ultimate Meltdown
, , , , +
Ultra Combo
(Charge ), + - or- , +


No Mercy - Lava Pool
, , +
No Mercy - Meltdown
, , , ,
, +

The origins of this tremendous creature are shrouded in mystery, though there are some who claim its name is “Billy.”

Code on version 1.5d

Choose Cinder. At the pre-match Versus screen, hold Right and press

Special Attacks

, +
Golf Swing
, +
, , +
Jump and Swing
, +

Combo Breaker

Golf Swing
, +

The Options menus allow you to adjust game play, visuals, and audio. To get a description of each option, highlight it and press the button.


View the original sprite animations for each character. Play the animations or step through them frame by frame.


View all the cutscenes contained in the original Killer Instinct arcade game, including some that were left on the cutting room floor!


View screenshots of memorable moments in your matches. To add to your screenshot collection, pause your game and select “TAKE A SCREENSHOT” from the pause menu. (Note: you must be signed in to use the screenshots feature.)

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Killer Instinct Classic (2025)


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Article information

Author: Nathanael Baumbach

Last Updated:

Views: 6151

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.