FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (2024)

Published: FFXIV - Final Fantasy 14, FFXIV Hunting Logs

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (1)

Post Sections

  • When Can I Start Rank 3?
  • Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 Targets
    • Stoneshell
    • Diseased Treant
    • Yarzon Scavenger
    • Redbelly Larcener
    • Shroud Hare
    • Sabotender
    • Balloon
    • Phurble
    • Sandskin Peiste
    • Axe Beak
    • Toadstool
    • Floating Eye
  • Total EXP Available
  • When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 4?

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Welcome to your FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide! Your targets now begin to spread out more across the other City-States’ territories. This Rank takes you from Level 20 to 30 and from there, the path of the Warrior opens up to you. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Here’s the Rank 3 Log you were looking for!

When Can I Start Rank 3?


  1. You have cleared the Marauder Hunting Log Rank 2, and
  2. You are at least Level 20 as a Marauder.

Enemy List ↑

Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 Targets

Reward: FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (2) 20,000
Marauder 21

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (3) 6,300


Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (4)

I bet you can't work out what these creatures' primary defence is, can you?! Thankfully, even if someone else is clearing their Hunting Log Rank 3 at the same time as you, there are loads of Stoneshells for you here.This crab is kind of like a distant relative of Thanalan's Thickshell. I was going to link the related FFXIV hunting logs, but it's all three from Thanalan, so I won't!


These crabs are in the Oakwood part of Upper La Noscea. It is quicker and easier to reach this by taking the road North from Western La Noscea.If you do teleport to Camp Bronze Lake and don't have flying yet, head to the boat ferry.


Upper La Noscea: Oakwood

Nearest Aetheryte

Upper La Noscea: Camp Bronze Lake (Fly or take the boat to Oakwood) and Western La Noscea: Aleport


Around X:13.2, Y:24.4

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Marauder 22

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (6) 6,500

Diseased Treant

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (7)

I don't know if there's a FFXIV quest that explains why there are Diseased Treants in the Bramble Patch, but I do kind of want to know! The coordinates below are vague because, so long as you stick within the main part of the Patch, you'll be able to find enough Treants by using your eyes! They are huge.

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (8) Involved in FATE


East Shroud: The Bramble Patch

Nearest Aetheryte

East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut


Around X:16, Y:23

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Diseased Treant

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Marauder 23

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (11) 6,700

Yarzon Scavenger

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (12)

The Yarzon Scavenger is described in the Hunting Log as being in the Footfalls. The problem is that's a huge area. To find this particular breed of six-legged freaks, head North past Vesper Bay. Continue North until you come to the murky area and the Yarzons are right there as you emerge from the tunnel.If Laughing Toads are on one of your hunting logs at rank 3, then these are in the same area, just further in.


Western Thanalan: the Footfalls (Parata's Peace)

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon


Around X14.6, Y:8.3

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Yarzon Scavenger

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Redbelly Larcener

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (15)

The Redbelly Wasps (for those of us who've seen wasps with red undersides...) are one of the criminal gangs operating in the South Shroud. One of their ranks is the Redbelly Larcener, because what kind of criminals don't enjoy a bit of casual thievery? Well, your job is to make them enjoy it less. Terminally.

Redbelly Larcener Location

The main location is near the oh-so-secretive Redbelly Hive!This is often the place for the FATE FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (16) Breaching the HiveFFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (17). But I found three Larceners outside the Hive (and not involved in the FATE). So you may not need to go deeper in anyway.If you're desperate, there is one grumpy-looking thief among the others at X:15.4, Y:23.0 (still in the South Shroud). That's at No Man's Hovel, where the FATE FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (18) Conspiracy TheoryFFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (19) takes place.


South Shroud: Silent Arbor

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:23, Y:18.5

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Redbelly Larcener

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Marauder 25

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (21) 7,100

Shroud Hare

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (22)

Welcome to my favourite enemy name to hate... the Shroud Hare. I am completely guessing, but I think this giant slug was called that due to its feelers appearing like bunny ears. Not that your average Marauder would much care about naming conventions!

Where are Shroud Hares?

There are actually two main areas you can look in the North Shroud. Coordinates below relate to the northern/western-most area marked on the maplet. Alternatively:

  • The southern area starts at X:20.5, Y:29.5.
  • I hadn't remembered that you can encounter some in the Central ShroudFFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (23) around X:15, Y:24.


North Shroud: Alder Springs

Nearest Aetheryte

North Shroud: Fallgourd Float


Around X:17.5, Y:30

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Shroud Hare

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Marauder 26

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (25) 7,600


Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (26)

These walking Cacti roam around Little Ala Mhigo in Southern Thanalan. Do look for the little hunting log symbol over their "heads" though. This is because not all Sabotenders bear the name without some other word attached! Have fun having loads of needles flung in your direction. You'd better put those combat skills to use with some interrupts! These can be found South of Little Ala Mhigo towards "Burnt Lizard Creek". Lovely.


Southern Thanalan: Broken Water

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo


Around X:17.1, Y:15.5

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Marauder 27

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (28) 8,600


Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (29)

Balloons are self-powering, self-detonating balls of flaming fury. It's probably not advisable for you to hand these out at a child's birthday party. At least, its cousin the Bomb has an accurate description!

Balloon Location

You can find these floating around in ones or twos West of Fallgourd Float. They mingle with the Banemites, which is great if you need the materials to make Velveteen. Not so great otherwise.

Involved in Quest

Trouble on the RoadFFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (30)


North Shroud: Alder Springs

Nearest Aetheryte

North Shroud: Fallgourd Float


Around X:17.5, Y:26.5

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Number Required: 3

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (32)

I cannot decide if these are cute or creepy. The Phurble is a fur-ball with almost human/hyur-looking eyes and they bounce around the fluff themselves up. They are also involved in a questline with a deluded bald man trying to get his hair back.Sadly these are a bit of a trek to get to, as Camp Drybone is your closest Aethyrite. Phurbles can be found as you head towards Burgundy Falls and the Burning Wall.


Eastern Thanalan: Wellwick Wood

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone


Around X:25.3, Y:21.9

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Sandskin Peiste

Number Required: 2

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (34)

Until I went in search of a Sandskin Peiste or five, I had not realised quite how large an area they lived in. These tall, scaley lizards can be found North-West, North and North East of Little Ala Mhigo. The bonus is, if someone else is also attacking them for their own hunting log, you can just calmly go someplace else. You're not the only adventurer after all.

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (35) Peistes in FATEs

DownwindFFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (36)


Southern Thanalan: Broken Water

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo


Around X:16.5, Y:13.0

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Sandskin Peiste

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Marauder 28

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (38) 9,400

Axe Beak

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (39)

The Axe Beak is one of a wide selection of Ziz-like creatures. They go by other names like Giant Pelican too. They all have the axe-shaped bill, but this one claims it for its name!

Axe Beak Location

They are in the really annoying, far-flung section of Eastern Thanalan. If you've dealt with any quests or targets in the South Shroud, it may be quicker to ride or fly there (from Camp Tranquil) than to teleport to Camp Drybone and still have a long ride.

Involved in FATE

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (40) Absolutely, PositivelyFFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (41)


Eastern Thanalan: Wellwick Wood

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern Thanalan: Drybone


Around X:25, Y:18

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Axe Beak

Enemy MRD ↑

Marauder 29

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (43) 9,700


Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (44)

Whoopee. another semi-sentient mushroom-like enemy. Like the Faerie Funguar and the Funguar, the purple-capped Toadstool likes to pretend.If you look carefully, sometimes you can see it opening one eye while it's in "toadstool stance"! Not that you're likely to see it while swinging your axe around, dear Marauder!

Number Required

Archer: 5 | Toadstool" data-tooltip="Open Log 3 at Toadstool">Conjurer: 3 | Marauder: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (46) Involved in FATE


Central Shroud: Sorrel Haven

Nearest Aetheryte

New Gridania: Take the White Wolf Gate


Around X15.5, Y:17.5

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Marauder 30

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (49) 10,000

Floating Eye

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (50)

One giant, freaky eyeball...with wings, a mouth and tongue. Nothing unusual then!

Floating Eye Location

These are found in the Sorrel Haven, Central Shroud. More precisely, the Floating Eyes are...floating, well "flying" around the grounds of Haukke Manor. There's nearly always one just outside the gate but there are plenty beyond it.

Involved in Quest


Central Shroud: Sorrel Haven

Nearest Aetheryte

New Gridania: Take the White Wolf Gate


Around X: 11.3 Y: 22.8

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Floating Eye

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Total EXP Available

  • Total EXP for All Levels: FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (54) 78,800
  • EXP Clearing Rank 3: FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (55) 20,000
  • TOTAL: FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (56) 98,800

Note, this excludes any EXP gained for defeating the individual enemies and bonuses due to Rested EXPFFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (57).

When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 4?


  1. You have cleared Rank 3, and
  2. You are at least Level 30 as a Marauder or Warrior.

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TL;DR Venture Beyond La Noscea in the FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3

As your MSQ takes you beyond the boundaries of La Noscea, so too does your Hunting Log reflect the broader range of enemies. As you reach Level 30, you’ll have the option of becoming a Warrior too. If Marauder is your first class, then as a Warrior you have the same log to complete.

Rank 4 is coming hot on the heels of this Rank 3 guide, but ember I have other FFXIV Hunting Log Guides too. Feel free to use them to help you complete those I have covered. Have fun in Final Fantasy XIV, friends.

← FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 2

About the Author

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (58)

Fibro Jedi

FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (59)FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (61)

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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FFXIV Marauder Hunting Log Rank 3 (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.