F.S. Yousaf - Book Series In Order (2024)

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Publication Order of Collections

Euphoria (2018)Description/BuyatAmazon
Sincerely, (2020)Description/BuyatAmazon
Prayers of My Youth (2020)Description/BuyatAmazon
Serenity (2022)Description/BuyatAmazon

F.S. Yousaf is a writer and poet from New Jersey who has authored at least four bestselling collections of poetry “Serenity,” “Sincerely Prayers of My Youth,” and “Euphoria.”

The author went to William Paterson University where he studied secondary education and history. He decided to study these subjects as he intended to become a historian, teacher, and author.
While he is yet to do any teaching, he has asserted that he is yet to close that door and may just pursue it down the road.

Yousaf has Pakistani immigrant parents and grew up in a very diverse town in New Jersey which he believes has shaped many of his life perspectives.

He grew up the only boy among three sisters which was difficult, but he believes it played a huge role in who he has ultimately become as an adult.

Yousaf began writing as a 10th grader when he was just 16 even though at this time he was not very serious about writing but naturally felt inclined to write.
He faced all manner of personal challenges during his college and high school years and always found writing to be a welcome escape.

He found some inspiration from his eldest sister who used to pen poetry that often blew him away and made him wish he could write just like her.
However, nothing came from his writing during these early adulthood years even though he continued writing.

Yousaf is not trained in creative writing as all it took for him to get started was a pen and a notebook. Yousaf used to carry a notebook everywhere he went.

It was during this time that he got an idea and he became determined to write until he put it all on paper. It is not an exaggeration to say that he became obsessed with poems and this has never stopped to this day.
He began writing in 2013 posting on Instagram and WordPress in 2015. At first, it was scary but over the days, months, and years, many people related to his work and he going confidence and purpose in his writing.

F.S. Yousaf published Euphoria his debut collection of poetry in 2018 and kicked on from there. By 2023 he had published several bestsellers including Prayers of My Youth, and Euphoria.
However, it was with the publication of Sincerely in 2020 that he really came into his own and became a well-known poet. Yousaf has said that he still has many other works he is writing.
When he is not writing his novels, he can usually be found playing board games, shooting film photography, reading, playing video games and just chilling.

F.S. Yousaf’s work Sincerely tells the story of the author and his wife. He penned the entire collection as some form of a wedding proposal.

It is very interesting that he made a marriage proposal to his wife through a notebook filled with poetry that he says she had inspired.

This is a proof of love text which was motivated by the person to whom they are intended which makes reading this very special. It is an amazing work right from the get-go that will make its readers cry and laugh at different points.
The best thing about this work s that it combines spirituality and love which happen to be some of the most beautiful things to live for. Yousaf showcases his ability to show his heart in the poems as he holds nothing back in any of his poetry.
These are well-written poems full of beautiful emotions, with flowing words and apt illustrations. Yousaf captures beautifully how he adores and loves his wife and lets his readers get glimpses into his journey with her.
It can only get better from here on and I cannot wait for upcoming work.

Euphoria by F.S. Yousaf is a poly visual and polyphonic journey that provides insights into the human experience from different perspectives. While sometimes life can be a silent abyss there is often a symphony of light.
Some of the poetry has overwhelming sadness but there is a feeling that there is an ambition to find and occupy a space between joy and sadness in a quest to find a temporary balance in modern life.

Similar to an album full of photographic negatives, this collection is fully transformed by light as it is inhabited by faith, family, mortality, and illness. The author writes with brooding intelligence, emergency flares, and radiant fireworks.
Ultimately this is a collection of poems that tells stories of the human spirit and how it sometimes soars despite many challenges.

Euphoria sometimes reads like a prayer even if this is not the conventional prayer. It is not a prayer for supermodels or fantasy cars. This collection is for the most part a prayer for people who are on the quest to find ways of doing it right.
It is about how to make sense of things and how to be human in what is deeply flawed world.

F.S. Yousaf’s work Serenity: Poems is a powerful even if soft-spoken work that perfectly captures the constant battle of courage and fear that lives within us.

Unlike his previous two collections of poems which came from personal experience, this was inspired by the overwhelming response of dedicated fans that asked him to pen another collection.

Even though tales of loss, uncertainty, and longing are present in much of the poetry, Yousaf expertly captures the age-old question of how to face pain with quiet resilience and courage.
The work comes with more than 140 poems and some impressive illustrations. This makes it a perfect escape for a person that needs to refocus kindness and energy toward their cherished relationships and perhaps toward themselves.
F.S. Yousaf creates a space in which he freely expresses himself without unnecessary accessories or complications.

It makes for a comforting and easy read with a lot to relate to. Divided into three parts of Tranquility, Hope, and Acceptance, it is overall a very enjoyable read.

Book Series In Order » Authors » F.S. Yousaf

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    F.S. Yousaf - Book Series In Order (2024)


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