70 Fun Facts about Summer things that Only Happen in the Summer (2024)

What’s to not cherish about summer? The sun is a rise, the blossoms are in sprout, and we can at long last leave our colder time of year coats at home.

If your ideas include visiting near to home, traveling on vacation, or holding a road trip, there’s likely a lot of fresh and fun items you might not have familiarity with during the year’s hottest season.

But if you want more of a force to gain the summer anima, look through on. We’ve arranged some fun facts about summer to assist gain you in the feeling of the season! These facts of summer are also all-cause why it’s the most significant period of the year.

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Fun facts about summer to touch you:

Hottest season:

The warmest season of the four pleasant seasons is summer.

Origination of summer name:

The English name for the year’s that time, “sumor” is the origin of the name of summer.

Modern Olympic:

The earliest modern Olympic Games occurred in the month of summer of 1896 in Athens, Greece.

First day:

The opening day of summer is in the middle of every year’s the 20th or the 22nd of June.

Known as:

Summer’s first day is known as the summer solstice.

Last day:

20th September is the final day of summer.

fun facts about summer food

Summer food:

Watermelon is known as the summer fruit.

The Eiffel Tower:

The Eiffel Tower is expanding about 6 inches every summer.

National Ice cream month:

The national month of ice cream is July.

Favorite to:

The summer season is the favorite of all ice cream lovers.

interesting facts about summer

Interesting fact:

One more funny thing about summer is that television shows were only re-launched in the summer months, with the idea that everyone was enjoying the weather outside.

June named after:

The name of summer month June is originated from the name of the Roman God Juno.

Bathing costume:

The first bathing costume for women was made in the 1800s.

Dog days of summer:

The “dog days of summer” mention the days from July 3rd to August 11th.

Blueberry month;

The national blueberry month is July.

Naming OF July:

July was named by Roman general Marc Antony after Julius Caesar.

Longest day:

The year’s expanded time is on the Summer solstice.


Mosquitoes are most common in the months of summer.


Most of the theme and water parks are on a periodic summer program.

Name origination of August:

The name of summer month August was originated from the nephew of Julius Caesar.

National spelling Bee:

On the 17th of June 1825, the first National Spelling Bee occurred.

things that happen insummer


Most of the thunderstorms happen in summer than in year’s other times.

The invention of ice pop:

An 11 years old invented ice pop in 1905.

Fry eggs on the road:

In 2015, an Australian man fried some eggs successfully on the sidewalk by using the heat that collected.

Monarch butterflies:

Monarch butterflies expended the summer in North America previous to emigrating south.

Picnic-related holiday:

If you like to eat outdoor in the summer, you’ll be happy to know that there’s a holiday in August connected to picnics.

Summer pastime:

Swimming is an outstanding summer game that can be both refreshing and relaxing.


Frisbee is now an arranged game that has out from playing with a vacant pie tin to being a full-on game.

Improving brain function:

It is an open secret that we get so many health benefits from sunshine.

Eating hotdogs:

In the middle of Labor Day and Memorable Day, Americans eat more than 150 million hot dogs.

Biggest cruise:

The biggest cruise in the World is Royal Caribbean’s ‘Harmony of the Seas’ is equal to four football fields.

scientificfacts about summer

Humans are happy:

It is scientifically proven that summer makes humans happier.

Music festival:

There are many music carnivals to go over in the summer, like the Florida Keys annual Underwater Music Festival.

Meteor shower:

If you’re a dedicated astronomer, you’ll be thrilled to know that the most eye-catching yearly meteor shower occurs in the summer.

Biggest bonfire:

The world’s most gaint bonfire was listed on the 25th of June, 2016.

Season of birthday:

More babies are connate in summer more than in any other season.

Baby turtle:

You can notice the baby turtle if you visit beaches in summer.

Midnight baseball game:

Alaska has 100 years old tradition of midnight baseball sport that is held in summer.

World Margarita Championship:

Every August, Arizona hosts a World Championship of Margarita.

Breaking box office records:

Each summer, we get the better of ourselves at the branch of movies.


Observing fireflies is one of the top subjects of summer.

Sand angel:

On the 10th of June, 2017, around 1387 people made a record of making a sand angel.

Spending time in nature:

You’ll get more opportunities to spend time with nature in summer.

Low cost of fruits:

The cost of fruits gets lower in summer.

Effect of hemispheres:

Summer is enjoyable all over the year because of different hemispheres.

Day length:

The summer days are longer than nights.

what is unique about the summer solstice


There are two times when solstices happened.

Celebrating midsummer:

Bonfires are generated by the ancient pagans for celebrating midsummer.

Chinese astronomy:

According to Chinese astronomy, the starting day of summer is 5th May and the ending day is around 6th August.

Midsummer Night Dream:

‘Midsummer Night Dream’ by Shakespear grabs a spot on the eve of Midsummer.

Long-distance summer tour:

Above 650 million lengthy distances summer tours are made in the United States.

Famous spot:

There are some famous spots for summer vacation-

  • Ocean
  • A lake
  • A familiar city
  • Beaches
  • National parks
  • A resort

Activities of summer vacation:

  • Walking tours
  • Swimming
  • Going to the historical site
  • Shopping
  • Water sports
  • Visiting a park

Name of September:

The Latin word ‘Septem’ is the origin of September.

The argument of the scientist:

Scientists claim that summer children are remarkably more disposed to tolerate mood swings.

Watching summer solstice:

More than 37000 people meet at Stonehenge to view the summer solstice.

Increasing suicides:

During the months of summer, suicides get increased.

St. John’s Eve:

Surrounding the summer solstice, St. John’s Eve is performed by some Christians.

Spreading plague:

Though it is rare, the plague is more quickly shrunk and increases during the warm months of summer.

Shrinking of leprosy:

Leprosy is more quickly shrunk in the summer


There is a tradition in the U.S that white pants are only wearable during summer or in the middle of Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Cheating on summer:

The research appears that men are more predisposed to avoid during the months of summer.

Diseases in summer:

Many diseases like West Nile Lyme, food poisoning, Valley Fever spread because of the hot weather of summer.

Crime rates:

Opposite to popular confidence, during summer, the rate of crime does not rise.

Bikini parade:

The biggest bikini parade of summer happened on the 19th of August, 2012, in China.

Summer vacation:

Previous to the civil war, there had no vacation of summer in school

Gaining weight:

As per CDC, because of being less active, kids get more weight during summer.

Yoga celebration:

Many groups of yoga take part in mass yoga festivals on the summer solstice.

Visiting Hospital:

The summer, especially July is the worst time to visit the hospital.

Summer song:

Top summer songs are-

  • “Cruel Summer,” Bananarama
  • “Dancing in the Street,” Martha & The Vandellas
  • “Summertime,” DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
  • “Summertime Blues,” Eddie Cochran
  • “Summer in the City,” Lovin’ Spoonful
  • “Hot Fun in the Summertime,” Sly & the Family Stone
  • “California Girls,” The Beach Boys
  • “Summer in the City,” Lovin’ Spoonful

Without summer:

Northern Hemisphere countries with Canada witnessed a year without summer in 1816

Everybody loves the summer season. We all take benefits of the best weather to have enjoyment and tour the outside. After knowing these fun facts about summer, we hope that you are feeling excited to plan a great tour and make a lifelong reflection with family and friends.

70 Fun Facts about Summer things that Only Happen in the Summer (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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